
W.O.D. 1.27.16

3 Rounds for time:
5 Muscle Ups
10 Push Jerks (105/155#)
50 Double Unders

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
- William James


  1. 6AM

    Theresa L: 16:00 75# PU + Dip
    Mike San: 21:44 85# PU + Dip
    Laura A: 13:35 85# HPCL PU + Dip
    Mike Sim: 10:35 MU + 30 DU
    Matt R: 17:28 85# PU + Dip
    Ben M: 15:49 95# PU + Dip
    Kevin B: 13:50 85# PU + Dip
    Jeff B: 14:32 PU + Dip
    Manisha: 17:40 65# PU + Dip
    Justin D: 18:29 105# PU + Dip

    - Clay

  2. 9:30 am

    Darcy 14:40, 45#, banded PU/parallette dips
    Rich A. 13:30 Rx
    Lauren 75#, 14:30 PU/banded dips
    Mary H. 55#, 14:56 banded PU/parallette dips
    Kevin H. 95#, 14:14 banded PU/ring dips
    Karen M. 55#, 14:42 banded PU/parallette dips

    Note: Power was lost at approx 8:30 into the WOD, and backup timer was started within approx. 30 secs. so times are not exact.


  3. 12:15 Express in Annex

    Jessi B. 63#, 14:40, PU + Dips
    Pam G. 88#, 14:20, JMU's(7 per round)
    Therese W. 25#db one arm, PU + Dips,
    Tim H. 95#, 12:52, JPU + Dips, DU attempts


  4. Regi 9:24 trans
    Josh b 12:57 Rx
    Ryan s 15:30 115/bar mu/su

  5. Erik 15:01, PU+dip, 95#, 25 dubs
    Rob P 10:17, jmu, 95#, 50 dua
    Adam 9:38, jmu, 115#
    Steph V 11:40 banded PU, 83#, 25 dua
    Luke 14:56, PU+dip, 105#, 25 dubs
    Josh P 10:11, jmu, 115#


  6. 630pm
    cline 14:41 115#
    Sermad 15:45 65#
    Nate 15:17 75#, DUA
    Mike C 14:09 65#, DUA
    Borden 12:07 95#
    TJ 16:00 75#, DUA
    Lucy 20:30 45#, DUA
    Alona 15:04 85# Trans/dips
    Jen 21:32 65#
    Krystin 17:09 55#, Singles/some DUA
    Alicia 14:29 53#
    Ashley 15:09 58# DUA
    Steph 12:00 55#, DUA
    Lauren 13:31 DUA 83#
    Michal 13:41 85# JMU
    *all did 2:1 Dips/ Pull ups unless noted

    Amanda 14:20 60# paralettes/ pullups (rows final round)
    Abbey 14:20 35/15# DUA banded Dips/ pull ups

  7. 8:30 AM Thursday
    Aimee 10:09 Rx
    Gordy 10:20 115# JMU 7 reps
    Jill A 10:56 JMU5
    Bekah 13:40 85# (du 40/25/25) 10 pullups/10 dips
    Jenna 15:55 65# (10dips/10 pulls)
