
W.O.D. 1.26.16

5 Rounds:

3 Minute AMRAP of:
Calorie Row (20/15)
10 Burpee Box Jump Over (20/24")
15 Hang Power Clean (95/135#)
10 Burpee Box Jump Over (20/24")

Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Record score as total reps

Community Notes:
Join Tori at 4:30PM today for Yoga. 

Giulia will be running the Handstand Push-up and Wallball Efficiency Clinic today 1/26 at 6:30PM; all members and non members are welcome, the cost is $10 per-athlete. If you have been struggling with the Handstand, Handstand Push-up or Handstand walk, this session is for you. 

To begin, begin.
- Peter Nivio Zarlenga


  1. 6am
    Jeff 222 (115)
    Danielle 159 (60)
    Manisha 135 (55) steps
    Theresa 165 (75)
    Jon 217 (115)
    Kevin B 215 (135)
    Matt 189 (75)
    Mike Sa 164 (75)
    Justin D 150

    Laura 194 RX
    Pete 222 RX

  2. 9:30am
    Bekah 178 85#
    Sue K 112 55/17"Step
    Adam 228 105
    Katie 139 53/17"Step 5 Reps
    Julie 165 Some Step

    Rich A 220 Rx
    Briana 184 Rx
    Erika 187 63#
    Tim H 175 95/Some Step
    Jessie 187 63#
    Therese 135 17"Step 5reps
    Pam 190 rx
    Jill H 160 75#
    Dana 85#

    Masters (15cal/5BBJO/15HPC/5BBJO)
    Kevin 145 65#
    Jodilee 146 45 13"

    - Steph

  3. 6:30pm
    Brian 160 75
    Nate 179 85
    Zak 204 rx
    Sam 155 65
    TJ 176 75
    Kris 126 65
    Mike C. 151 75

    Cline 188 115#
    Matt 175Rx

    Hollie 174 53BJto2plate

  4. 4:30pm

    Kyle W: 198 Rx
    Justin R: 213 Rx
    Anne B: 160 45#
    Jonathan P: 207 Rx
    Mike Sim: 221 Rx
    Josh P: 215 95#
    Ale: 159 55#
    Meggan L: 181 53# 17"
    John Mc: 223 93#


    Giulia U: 157 Rx
    Keith B: 218 Rx (Double Puke)
    Alex R: 173 53#
    Ashley Mc: 185 65#
    Rob C: 190 95#
    Pat P: 208 115#
    Alone 183 85#
    Jen S: 170 65#
    Lucy Q: 168 45#

    - Clay
