
W.O.D. 1.21.16

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
5 Wall climbs 
10 Box jumps, 24"/30" box 
20 Wallballs (20" to 9/10 ft)

 For the Wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position.

Community Notes:
Join Giulia at 9AM on Saturday the 23rd for the CrossFit Efficiency series 15.1 and 15.1 a. This session will cover Toes to Bar Efficiency and Cycling the Barbell Snatch.

Click here to sign up!

Only those who risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.
 - T.S. Eliot


  1. Hey, I left my shoes at the box again. They are old, black Do-wins. Would someone mind setting them aside and I will pick them up Monday?


  2. 930
    Bekah 3+17 RX
    Emma 3+20 (13"/8#)
    Meggan 3+5 (12#/17")
    Kevin 3+18 RX
    Jessie 4+1 (16#)
    Karen 3+20 (20"/12#/10#)

    Mike I 3 (20#/24")
    Rob C 4+1 ROM WB
    Tim H 3+25 (24"/ROM WB)
    Pam G 4+4 RX
    Therese 3 (plank 20"/ Goblet 26")
    John 3+18 ROM WB
    Erika 3+21 ROM WB
    Dana 3+15 8ft

    Jodi Lee 7+7 (scale reps, 13", 8#)
    Kevin 5+21 (24"/14#)

  3. 630

    Mike C 3+8 24"
    Lauren 3+4 20", 14# sc wc
    Chloe 3+1 15#
    Rachel 3+2 rom wc
    Cline 3 Rx (some with 30# ball-boom!)
    Olan 2+14 Rx (some with 30# ball-boom!)
    Lucy 3+2 20", 14#
    Nate 3+2 16#
    TJ 3 24", 9ft
    Lindsey 3+15 20", 14#, rom wc
    Ashley 3+11 20", 12#, rom wc
    Laura A 5 ghd for wc, 14#


  4. 4:30/5:30
    Joe C 3+4 rx + some 30's
    Nick C 4+1 Rx + some 30's
    Jonathan 5+13 (10 ghd sub)
    Anne B 4 (16"/10#)
    Justin R 3 + 3 Rx + some 30's
    Denise 3 + 5 rom wall
    Flounder 3 + 22 24" ROM
    Patrick 3 +21 Rx
    Alicia 3 + 10 10#/20"
    Josh P 3 + 2 Rx
    Alona 3 + 3 Rom Rx
    Shawna 3 +1 20"14# rom
    Matt B 3 + 6 RoM wall
    Dave N 3 +2 Rx +30 #
    Alex 3 +2 14/20" RoM
    Alejandra 4 (20/10# ROM)

  5. 6/7am

    Matt R3+15 15#wb
    Jeff B 3+20 Rx
    Mike Sim 4+19 24"box
    Mike S 3+4 (3walks/round) (26"box, 10#wb)
    Manisha 3+13 24"box
    Theresa 4+25 Rx
    Sue K 4 17"box
    Kevin B 4+4Rx
    Justin D 2+9 (16"box)
    Jon P 4+18Rx

    Peter W 4+10Rx
    Alex L 5+13 (24"box, 14#wb)
    Briana K 4+10 (3walks/round)
