
W.O.D. 12.8.15

TEST DAY- Record Results

 Five rounds for time of: 
Run 400 meters 
30 Box jumps, 20/24 inch box 
30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball to 9/10ft

(compare to 3.22.15) or (compare to 6.20.15) or (compare to 9.22.15)

Advent Day 8:
Butterfly AB-MAT Sit-ups.
Teams of two will race to 200 Butterfly AB Mat Sit-ups...Fastest time wins. The partners can split the work in any way.

Congratulations to the Winners of Advent Day 8! M/M - Jeff B and Mike Sim
F/F - Manisha and Theresa
 Co-Ed- Peter W and Briana K
Coaches- Gordy and Aimee

Community Notes:

Please join us for our Annual Christmas Party -- FESTIVUS on Thursday, December 10th, starting at 5:00 PM-ish. Wear a Festive outfit, bring a gift for the white elephant exchange, some food or drink to share and come ready for a little work out and A LOT fun with your friends and fellow CFKoP athletes!

 “Never confuse motion with action.”
-Benjamin Franklin


  1. 6am
    Kevin 30:07 RX
    Matt 33:22 (15#)
    Ben 25:40 (3rds, 10#,20")
    Terry 46:04 (9'/14#)
    Jeff 30:30 RX
    Theresa 31:34 RX
    Manisha 35:35 (8')
    Mike Si 32:42 (row)
    Justin D 44:16 (4+ 30BJ, 10#)

    Pete 27:05 RX PR
    Briana 34:06 RX
    Joe 37:17 RX PR

    Way to take on the cold weather this morning!

  2. Dana....remember that time earlier today when you got white board punked..that was awesome.

  3. Mark today as the day I ALMOST quit CrossFit

  4. 4:30pm

    Josh B: 29:08 Rx
    Jonathan P.: 31:55 Rx
    Lucy Q.: 29:42 8# / 16"
    Roman G.: 29:51 Rx
    Julie R.: 35:15 Rx
    Pam G.: 24:47 Rx
    Erik F.: 37:50 16# 20"
    Rich A.: 27:18 Row
    Olan: 38:11 Rx


    Laura A.: 27:13 Rx
    Shawna: 44:46 Rx
    Flounder: 35:27 14# 20"
    Giulia: 32:42 Rx
    Adam S.: 24:15 Rx
    Ali: 29:32 8# 20" 4Rds
    Jen S.: 31:19 10# 19"
    Alona: 34:02 Rx
    Shashin: 35:35 14# 17"
    Laura P.: 23:07 Rx
    Ryan S.: 31:51 14#
    Melissa M.: 37:35 8# 17" 4Rds


    Steph C.: 35:51 10# 20"
    TJ: 34:35 14# 20"
    Alex: 28:28 10# 20"
    Mike C.: 31:54 12# 20"
    Nate W.: 33:31 12# 20"
    Alicia M.: 34:50 10# 20"
    Therese W.: 21:57 8# 20" 200m


  5. 12:15 Express
    Jessie 28:37 12#
    Dana D 30:37 RX FOR SURE!!!
    Tim P 24:39 Rx
    Rob C 31:00 4 Rds
    Denise 17:15 (1/2)
    Erika 32:38 14# to 8 ft

    1:00 Masters
    1/2 reps and run
    Kevin 21:15 16"/14#
    Barb 23:36 13/10#
    Terry 22:18 13"/10#

  6. Cline 33:20 RX
    Michal 35:07 RX
    Heng 30:50 (20", 14# to 9')
    Michael R 28:33 (20", 14# to 9')
    Dave 31:14 RX (PR!!)
    Chris 32:07 RX

  7. 930am
    Bekah 22:38 (3 rds)
    Jonathan 25:32 (4rds, 20" step ups, 14#)
    Jackie 23:00 (3rds)
