
W.O.D. 12.7.15

 Happy Birthday Jonathan!!! 
Birthday Burpees are back when you are only 23!!!

"Dumbbell Destroyer"
3 rounds for time of: 
10 dumbbell power snatches, left arm 
10 single-arm overhead squats, left arm 
10 Pull-ups 
10 dumbbell power snatches, right arm 
10 single-arm overhead squats, right arm 
10 Pull-ups

Ladies use a #35 dumbbell and Men use a #55 dumbbell

Advent Day 7:
Standing Broad Jump- Max Length

Community Notes:
Join Laura today, at a 5:30PM for Fundamentals of Nutrition, this is FREE for members who just completed Fundamentals and our Holiday Head Start program.

"Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being."
–Kevin Kruse

Congrats to Coaches:
Rachel and Keith

Congrats to Athletes:
Jess C and Jonathan P


  1. 6/7am

    Kevin B 13:02 35# power snatch/30#ohs
    Jeff B 12:27 45#
    King 12:16 45#
    Manisha 16:05 20#/12#
    Justin D 17:53 40#/15#

    Pete W 11:44 45#
    Jon P 12:58 45#/35#
    Brianna K 13:37 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Jill A 13:16 Rx
    Jill H 16:22 25/10 swings
    Barb 13:05 20/12 sc
    Fran 13:50 12/10 swings
    Jonathan S 12:33 25/33 band
    John P 17:44 45/15 band
    Kevin 17:40 35/12 band
    Mary 13:56 12/20 band
    Eileen 14:18 8/10# DUA
    David 16:19 15#
    Jason I 14:25 25/15
    Meggan 14:24 20/8 band
    Matt C 15:30 15:30 45#

  3. 12:15pm

    Mike Si.: 10:02 SN 55# / OH ROM
    Denise W.: 13:41 SN 30# / OH 20#
    Karen M.: 13:38 25#
    Therese W.: 12:54 15#
    Shane M.: 8:22 35#
    Dana D.: 14:32 SN 35# / OH 15#


  4. 3:30/5:30
    Tim P 10:53 Rx
    Jonathan P 16:09 Rx
    Mike Fab 17:19 40/55
    Mark R 14:59 35/55

    Giulia 13:00 35 fs/25ohs
    Keith 11:30 rx
    Shawna 18:45 25/15
    Alejandra 13:36 10/5 5 PU
    Laura A 15:14 Rx
    Lucy 14:90 10# band
    Brian T 15:30 30/box
    Ryan S 11:27 25/35/40
    Sheila 16:31 20/15/band
    Stephanie 14:30 15#
    Alona 16:06 BS# RoM L
    Jen S 13:49 25/15 band

  5. Josh P: 15:20 (35/15#)
    Julie R: 16:55 (25/15#)
    Olan S: 16:49 (45/20#)
    Roman G: 10:47 (45/20#)

    Steph C: 11:44 (30/12#)
    Alex: 15:38 (20/15#)
    TJ: 18:58 (12#)
    Heng: 20 min cap (30/15#)
    Adam: 15:58 (35#)
    Shashin: 18:44 (35/20#)
    Kris: 19:35 (15/12#)
    Michael R: 20:00 cap (25/15#)
    Erika: 13:42 (20/12#)
    Dave N: 16:57 (45#)
    Amanda W: 20:00 cap (25/12#/band)
