
W.O.D. 12.1.15

On a 15 minute clock
750m Row 
then with the remaining time:
 3 Hang Power Snatch (75/115) 
6 Overhead Squats
12 Box Jump Over (20/24")*

*or jump up and over

Coaches Notes: 
Aim to complete the row with fuel left in the tank to attack the AMRAP with around 12mins left. Set a "mini" goal on the Hang Snatch into the Overhead Squat to hang onto the bar if you can.

Record results as total rounds + reps of the AMRAP

Day 1 Advent Calendar:
Max Air Squats in 60 Seconds. Range of Motion standard= Must go below parallel and stand fully up at the top.

"Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts."
— Unknown


  1. Sue 6+13 (35/17")
    Sarah 5 (33/17)
    Mike Sa 5 (55#)
    Kevin 7 (75#) 20/24"
    Theresa 6+9 (55#)
    Laura 5+10 RX
    Jeff 5 (95#)
    Justin 4 (45#)
    Matt R 5 (75#)


  2. 9:30a
    Karen S- :) 35/15
    Shane 7+12 95#
    Bekah 7+15 65#
    Manisha 6 45#

  3. 4:30pm

    Erik: 5+3 75#
    Justin: 7+6 75#
    Julie: 4 43#
    Mike: 5 63#
    Jess: 5 35#
    Tim P: 6+16 16
    Karen: 5+1 53# / 17"


    Giulia: 5+10 Rx
    Ali: 5+9 25#
    Jen: 6 55#
    Alona: 6 75# Rx
    Ryan: 6+1 95#
    Josh: 7+1 75#
    Shawna: 4 55#
    Alex: 6 33#
    Adam: 8+1 65#

    Matt: 5+4 95#
    Mike: 5+13 63#
    Steph: 5+20 35#
    Lindsay: 5+16 35#


  4. 7:30p
    Heng 8+2 (15#, 20")
    Danielle 6+10 (35#)
    Sir 6 (85#)
    Dave 7+6 (95#)
    Michael 6+17 (35#, 20")
    Matt 5+17 (95#)
    Chris 6 (75#)

  5. 12:15 and Masters
    Jessie 7 + 4 53#
    Denise 5 65#
    Pam 8 +6 65#
    Mike Sim 7 +6 75#
    Dana 5 +7 65#
    John Mc 5 + 8 75#
    Bre 6 +13 65#
    Therese 4 15#
    Terry 4 +9 15#/14"
    Barbara 4 + 15 15# 13"
    Kevin 4 + 9 35/17"

  6. Correction on my weight - realized at 2am I did 45# :) I feel better now.
