
W.O.D. 11.24.15

4 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
14 Power Snatches (75/115#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Community Notes:
Join Tori for a SPECIAL pre-holiday Yoga Class at 4:30PM in the Annex. 

“Give, but give until it hurts.”
 ― Mother Teresa


  1. Theresa 21:21 (60#,PU)
    Nick 19:32 (95)
    King 21:05 (95)
    Sue 3+ row
    Kevin 20:25 (75, band)
    Matt 21:34 (75, band)
    Justin 23:04 (63, band)
    Jeff 22:23 RX
    Mike Si 16:11 RX
    Balmer 17:58 RX
    Shari 22:20 (45, band)

    Jon 25:46 RX
    Briana 27:17 RX
    Alex 23:04 (95)
    Mike 26:01 (65# hang, band)

  2. 930
    Shane 16:10 (95#)
    Bekah 22:28 (53, C2BA)
    Barbara 22:00 (25, band)
    Jackie 21:27 (C2BA)
    Jess 3rds =)
    Karen 23:10 (25, band)
    Emma 24:22 (25, RR)

  3. Mike c 22:50
    Matt E 22:58 95/bnd
    Rachel 21:37 75/half reps/squat
    Alex r 22:05 33/bnd
    Shawna DNF

  4. 12:15 Express and 1:00PM Masters
    Scott M (Ca) 19:29 95#
    Izzy 22:ish 73# almost Rx
    Tim H 19:19 95# PC RR (we found your jump rope screw)
    Denise 23:01 55/PU attempts
    Laura P 18:17 63#
    Pam 25:49 65#
    Jessie 20:43 53/Pullups
    Scott R 26:24 115/95 PU
    Mike I 23:36 65# PUA

    AMRAP in 15
    250 M Row
    10 HPSnatch
    10 Ring Rows

    Liz 3 + Row 15#
    Terry 4 + row + 4 reps 33#
    Kevin 4 +row 53#

  5. Dave N 19:49 95#/pull-ups & rr
    Cline 17:48 85#/pull-ups

  6. 4:30/5:30
    Rich A 19:34 Rx
    Josh 21:58 75 PU
    Roman 18:31 95#
    Julie 24:17 53# band
    Erik 20:39 75 PU
    Justin 19:19 95#
    Luis 23:15 95 PU

    Laura 21:01 65# PU
    Gandalf/Silver Fox/Patrick 21:21 Rx
    Giulia 23:03 Rx
    Brian T 23:37 75 PU
    Samson 22:59 95#
    Jen S 23:31 55 B
    Alona 22:47 65 PU
    Keith (flounder) 21:03 75 ROM
    Dave 26:04 75 PU
    John 26:08 105 PU
    TJ 24:02 65 PU
    Rob 26:05 95 PU
