
W.O.D. 10.6.15

Buy in:
3 x 8 Strict Pull-ups

First, take 15 Minutes to find your working 1RM Clean and Jerk.
Next, take 2 minutes to rest and reload the barbell to 80% of your new 1RM Clean and Jerk and perform 1 rep on the minute for 15 minutes.

Record 1RM and weight used for the EMOM. 

Community Notes:
This Saturday is our CFKoP Birthday Celebration Party...please bring a friend for FREE to check out our gym and community...and there will be cake!

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."
- Bruce Lee


  1. Marisa

    Kevin b. Banded pu/ 115
    Mike si. Rx /245
    Theresa l. Banded/85
    Balmer Rx/225
    Justin d. Banded/ 125
    Ellie h. Banded/ 110
    Nick c. Rx/ 175
    King Rx-/ 175 (<--- you still owe us 7 burpees!) :P

    Pete w. Rx/185
    Laura a. Rx 5/ 125

  2. Jill A 141, 112
    Shane 200,180
    Scott 165,135
    Jason I 195,165
    Marcia form, 45
    Linette form, 25
    Karla form, 25
    Mary form, 55
    Manisha 85, 70
    Bekah 105PR, 85
    Josh 250, 200
    Kara form, 63
    Chris T 83, 53
    Granny 115, 95
    Sarah W 85, 65
    Jill H 105, 85

  3. Express
    Karen 93,83 (4 last round)
    Briana 125 PR, 105 (6 last round)
    Mark C 210 PR, 175 (3 last round)
    Dana 105,85 (7 last round)
    Jonathan 165, 135 (6 last round)
    Rob 160, 135 (4 last round)
    Pam 125, 103 (5 last round)
    Mike I 95, 85 (4 last round)

    Terry 43, 38
    Barb 43, 43

  4. 630:
    Lindsey 90/70
    Amanda 90/70
    Michelle 130/105
    Alex 88/60
    Mr. Intensity 170/140
    Matt 225/180
    Keith 275/225

  5. Anne B. 85#, 65#
    Fayth 105#, 85#
    Julia B 75# (pr), 55#
    Dave 225# (pr), 180#
    Brian T 145#, 115#

  6. 4:30

    Jonathan P 225/185
    Justin R 225/185


    MIke T 235, 190
    Josh P 195, 155
    Alona 115, 95
    Jenna 120(clean), 100(clean)
    Giulz 145PR!, 115
    Rob 155, 135
    Cline 165, 135
    Erik 165, 125
    Ben 175,140
