
W.O.D. 10.22.15

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
50 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps (20/24")
15 Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes (10/24 and 10/25) will be held in the Annex, meet and park there (110C DeKalb).

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ” 
 ― Walt Disney Company



  1. 6am
    Justin D 2+20 (du att)
    Matt R 2+40 (att,abmat,band)
    Kevin B 2+53, (bnd,abmat)
    Manisha 2+75 (3 abmat)
    Ashley M 3+10 (bnd,dbpress)
    King 3+70 Rx
    Jeff B 3 rnds (2abmat)

    Mike R 2+40 (su,SB)
    Bethann 3 (SB,band)
    Joe C 2+80 Rx
    Nick C 3+51 Rx

  2. 5:30
    Keith 4+55 RX
    Jen 2+ 48 (2AB, DUA, Band)
    Alona 2+70 (3AB)
    Patrick 2+ 80 RX
    Jess 3+ 68 (100 singles, 13"box, rr)
    John Mc 2+45 (DUA, SB)

  3. express
    Mike 1 2+71 SU/DUA, ROM, Lsit
    Tim H 2+57 scale
    denise 3 25DU/Bnd/lSIT
    Jessie 3+ 30 25DU 2ABM Bnd
    Mike si 2+609 30DU
    Heather 2+45 25DU,RR, LSIT
    Pam 2+77 RX

    Great DU progress for Denise and Heather!!!! Also I saw improvement on your butterfly PU Mike si! and shout out to queen pam for rocking the WOD rx nd not using the abmat for her HSPU!!

    Kevin 2+50 25Att, 17" Bnd Kickup/lsit
    Terry 3R 25Att, 15", band, kick up LSIT
    Barbara 3R 25Att, 13", bnd, Lsit

    It was so cool to watch all three of you work to overcome the fear and try the progression with handstands. And super awesome to see Kevin and Terry get so good at kicking up!! Terrys handstands were a 30 year PR...and they looked AMAZING!

    - Stephanie

  4. 9:30
    Mary 3+90 su 13 rr lsit
    Emma 3+40 su 7 rr lsit
    Scott 3 su step lsit
    Jill a 3+ 66 pistols for bj
    Barb 3+70 sc
    Bekah 3 attempts 2abm
    Gordy 3+35rx
    Shane 3+39 Rx
    Jonathan 3+ 38 1 abmat step ups

  5. 4:30

    Jenna 3
    Jonathan 3+54 Rx
    Justin 2+36 ab
    Karen 2+78
    Mike M 3
    Regi 3+28 Rx
    Rich 4+85 Rx
    Ryan 2+85


    Erik 2+14
    Lindsey 3+4
    Julia 3+18
    Danielle 3+10
    Chris 3+75 Rx
    Ashley B 3+92 Rx
    Matt 3+66 Rx
    Mike C 3
    Erika 3+11
    Cline 2+86
