
W.O.D. 7.23.15

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)
Community Notes:
Join us today at 10:30AM for Yoga, the class will meet in the Annex.

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”
– Lance Armstrong


  1. 6am
    Manisha 4 (35)
    Matt 3 + 40 (33 form)
    King 3+34 Rx
    Sue 3+30 (25)

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 5 + 35 Rx
    Darcy 4 + 15 (SU 60) 35#
    Kevin B 4 + 20 (15/10 reps) 55#
    Nick Z 5 + 5 65#
    Jonathan 5 + 19 55%
    Jill H 3 +12 55#
    Jackie 2 + 42 Rx
    Heather 4 + 14 @ 22# (15/10 reps)

  3. 12:15
    Meggan 4 35# 10 dua
    Pam 3 + 39 rx
    Dana 3 + 25 53#
    Tim H 3 + 9 (10 dua) 75#

  4. 4:30
    Roman 4 + 33 rx
    Keith 5 + 31 rx
    Justin 4 + 41 rx
    Anne 3 + 10 (35# 10 DUA)
    Sheila 3 +11 (15#) 10 DUA
    Scott R 2 + 28 (15 DUA) 95#
    Marni 4 + 5 45# DUA
    Chris M 5 (60 SU/45# DB)
    Erik F 4 + 3 (10 SUA/10 HPS)

  5. 5:30
    Jill C 3 +30 45#
    Shawna 1 + 42 @ 55#
    Josh P 4 + 32 75#
    Joe P 4 + 30 85# HPC
    Erika 2 + 22 55#
    Chris 3 + 10 75# 15 DU
    Trent 4 + 3 rx
    Lauren 3 + 15 (55# 15 DUA)
    Rob C 3 (75# DUA)
    Rob P 4 +10 (75# 15 DUA)
    Terrance 3 + 35 Rx

  6. 6:30

    Cline 4+10 75#
    Luis 4+28 75# DUA
    Josh 3+38 75# DUA
    Alicia 2+15 35# DUA
    Amanda 4 35# DUA
    Lindsey 3+21 45# DUA
    Jon P 3+32 Rx
