
W.O.D. 6.18.15

Welcome to Gordy!

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Power Snatches 95/135#
9 Box Jumps (24/30")

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.


  1. 6am
    Justin D 4+5 (45#, jmu, 21")
    Brian H 5+1 (95#, jmu, 24")
    Mike S 3+12 (75#, jmu, 24")
    King 5+2 (115# jmu)

    Jeff B 4+3 (jmu)
    Jon P 2+9 (115#)
    Alona 4+3 (75#, jmu)
    Peter 4+2 Rx
    Rich A 5 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Gordy 4 + 8 (115#) First Bar MU's! Thanks for dropping in.
    Jill A 4 + 1 (banded KAMU) 75#
    Alejandra 5+3 45#/boxMU/20"
    Fran 6+8 Pullups/17"SU/ 30#
    Joy 6+5 RR /45/SU

  3. Master class
    Terry 5+9 pu-green/2-45#jump/15#

  4. Express
    Denise 4 +9- band/65
    Dana :)
    Karen 4 + 10 (20"53#)
    Pam 4 + 7 (band/75#)

  5. 430
    Tobin 6+5 RX
    Keith 6+1 RX
    Roman 5+5 95#
    Chris M 2902m row
    Trent 5+3 RX
    Regi 4+6 (12 GHD sit- ups instead of MU)

  6. 530
    Patrick 3+9 RX
    Josh Mc 4+ 17 95# band
    Josh P 4 103# band
    Giulia 3+15 75# band
    Christine 3+13 80# band PU
    Flounder 4 105# Jumping MU
    Heather 4+6 35# jumping MU 20"
    Shane 5+12 95#
    Fayth 5+11 20" 65#
    Steph C 4 55# 20" MU attempts

  7. 630

    Christine W 4+5, jbmu, 35#, 13"
    Rachel 3+2, jbmu
    Dave N 5+4, jbmu, 115#
    Matt 4, jbmu, 115#
    Ashley 3, jbmu, 55#, 20"


  8. Had a couple of KOP athletes show up to race 1 mile. Huge showing by everyone- special shout out to Justin R for turning in a 5:57, a huge 14second PR up from last months 6:11, and Borden with a 7:45 time today, besting his previous best of a 8:17. Awesome work.

    Timed Mile
    Justin R 5:57
    LP 6:14
    John McH. 6:33
    Mark C 6:35
    Borden 7:45
