
W.O.D. 6.10.15

Partner Madness
With a partner complete the following for reps:
(the work can be shared anyway, one athlete works at a time)

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
10 Calorie Row
20 Double Unders

AMRAP in 6 Minutes
10 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24")
20 Sit-ups

AMRAP in 4 Minutes
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)

Community Notes: 
The retest for the Mobility month will occur on Thursday 6/11 at 6:30PM...there is well over $100 in the jar...who's gonna win it and Jill C's quarters?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Mike S and Jeff B 8 rounds, 3, 2+29 scaled SB

    Sue K and Jill C 7, 4, 3

    Jon P solo 6rnds, 2 rnds, 3 rnds Rx

  2. Alona/Jen 7, 4+8, 4
    Scott/Eric 8+10, 6, 4 sc
    Keith/Rachel 12+22, 4+16, 3+25 Rx
    Ryan S/Joe P 9, 3+10, 2+9
    Patrick/Josh P 11+23, 4+3, 2+ 26


  3. 9:30

    Jonathan/Nick Z 9,4+8,4+10
    Jill A/Jill H 7+16, 3+24, 2+21
    Fran 5+18, 2+12, 1+20
    Sheri/Jess Mc 7+9, 3, 3+20


    Erika/Dana 8, 4+27, 2+21
    Sarah W/Shane 4+25, 4, 2+24


    Chris M/JZ 7, 3, 3+10
    Josh Mc/Ray 7+20, 5+5, 3+22
    Justin R/Matt H 9, 4+7, 3+21


    Michal/Dave N 11+18, 4+14, 2+10 Rx
    Cline 9+10, 4+1, 2+6
    Conn/Borden 9+7, 4+7, 2+26
    Tatiana/Alison 6+5, 3+5, 2+10


    Megs/Giulz 9+5, 5, 3+2
    Linda/Matt E 7+2, 2+8, 2+7
    Terrence 7, 2+9, 1+6
