
W.O.D. 5.7.15

15-12-9 reps of:
Thruster 95/135#
Weighted Pull-up (45/25#)

For weighted pull-ups place a 25/45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles.

Community Notes:
Mobility should be a proactive approach, not a reactive one. In other words, don’t wait until problems arise before you address them. Too often we see athletes finish a workout and to nothing to address potential issues that are around the corner. Having said that, there’s a great deal you can do to prevent injury, speed recovery, and improve performance. Click here to read more about our NEW Mobility Challenge which will begin on 5.14.

"Never give in.. never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force.. never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
- Winston Churchill


  1. For the 530pm track workout tomorrow:
    2 lap warmup, (2nd lap indian run)
    Drills, dynamic stretches/movement
    4 laps of: Stadiums stairs, up and down and up and down each side of the straightways, then 2min rest each lap.
    This will be a great long warmup for a 50m burpee broadjump race.
    1-2 lap cooldown
    Total Distance: 2 miles
    Total Elevation: about 65 Storeys, or 650 feet of climbing

    looking forward to seeing some new faces again, and welcoming back the CF Teens group tomorrow as well, watch out for them they are speedy.

  2. 6am
    Justin D 10:54 (75#, rr)
    Justin R 11:47 (115#, 8#/bnd)
    Mike S 13:42 (75#, 8#/bnd)
    Laura Al. 9:58 (85#)
    Manisha 11:55 (40#)

    Mark C 6:31 (95#, strict 9-6-3)
    Peter W 11:05 (25#db)
    Alex L 9:00 (95#)
    Jon P 12:49 (115#, 12#db)

  3. I left a pair of black Hylete pants at box last night, can someone grab, will pick up tonight. thanks

  4. 9:30am
    Jill A 7:07 65# all with a #15 weight vest

  5. hey conn...just taking your pants off everywhere??!?! They are by the next with your name on them

  6. Erik 8:27 fs@75, situpx2
    Jess a 8:22 53rom/rr
    Josh 8:02 45vest 95#

  7. 630

    Nick 14:04 Rx
    Christine S 8:47 63/jpu
    Christine W 8:28 35/rr
    Ashley 11:57 53/blk band
    Derreck 12:58 135/pu
    Cline 12:22 105/a mix of shit
    Ryan 11:31 115/pu


  8. 12:15

    Tim P 5:56 sc
    Jessie 9:10 63/12
    Pam 7:44 63 strict
    Chris M 9:30 65 rr
