
Coach Paul

I am sorry to report that Coach Paul will be leaving CrossFit King of Prussia to pursue other interests. Both Jason and I would like to thank Paul for his years of service to the gym and we wish him the best of luck moving forward.  He has surely made a positive impact on many of your lives. 

We will transition all of Paul’s classes to other CF KoP coaches immediately so there will be no interruptions in our class service.


  1. This breaks my heart...I wish you nothing but the best paul. You have done so much for me over the three years I've known you...I love you Paul 👫

  2. Sucks indeed. I enjoyed his classes. I wish him well. Now it's really bad he's not on Facebook.

  3. People might actually have to comment on the blog like it was 2008!!! You will be missed Paul!

  4. Wow, that is a huge loss for us. Paul, Best of luck to you wherever you go and whatever you do. I hope you will be back to visit often.

  5. Sorry to hear this. Best of luck to you Paul in whatever you decide to do. You will be missed!!

  6. Paul, you have a great coach's eye. We will miss you!

  7. Agree - this sucks. Paul - all the best. Hope to cross paths again someday

  8. uggh. So sorry to see this. Will miss you much my friend. Best to you in whatever you do.

  9. Sorry to see you go, my friend. From a strict muscle up to max sets of OHS, you helped me achieve goals i didn't even know i had.


  10. Paul,

    Joe has probably stated it best by saying "you have a great coach's eye". There have been so many times where you have watched me do something wrong and not only quickly saw what I was doing wrong, but were able to articulate the solution in a way that helped me fix the problem. Even though I never learned how to scale properly, that says more about my stubbornness than it would ever say about your coaching.

    Good luck with your next adventure!

    The Dumbest Smart Guy You Have Ever Met In Your Life

  11. Paul - All the best to you! You are a great coach, excellent motivator and as other have said you have a keen eye!

  12. Good luck Paul, we will miss you!
