
Mobility Challenge

Join Dr. Turner in conjunction with your CrossFit KoP Coaches for the Kick off of the Mobility Challenge on May 14th at 6:30PM

What is this all about?
We are taking a month to focus on Upper Body Mobility.

Mobility should be a proactive approach, not a reactive one. In other words, don’t wait until problems arise before you address them. Too often we see athletes finish a workout and to nothing to address potential issues that are around the corner. Having said that, there’s a great deal you can do to prevent injury, speed recovery, and improve performance.

What's the Buy in?
5$ buy in---winner takes all at the end.

How will this be judged?
We will have a Performance Test by CFKoP Coaches and Orthopedic Tests by Dr Turner following this you will learn mobility and maintenance drills. You will choose some of these exercises and spend 5-10 minutes with them daily. We will retest in month and see who has the best improvement. Your coaches will also be taking a dedicated approach to this in the last 5-10 minutes of each CrossFit class. We will focus on Soft Tissue Work, Stretching and Joint Mobilization.

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