
W.O.D. 4.8.15

For time:
60 Calorie Row
50 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
40 Burpees 
30 Power Snatch (65/95#)
20 Pistols (10R/10L)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

"Nerves and butterflies are fine — they're a physical sign that you're mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that's the trick." -Steve Bull


  1. Laura A 22:46 sc
    Nicole 23:08 sc
    Pete 15:08 Rx
    Justin D 24:13 sc
    Eli 25:50 sc
    Mike S 24:50 sc
    Jeff 15:35 Rx


  2. I saw a Wisconsin license plate holder in the parking lot the other day go it got me thinking what colleges are represented in the gym...particularly bigger ones with notable sports teams. I ask because I love college sports.

    Mine suck...
    Philadelphia University Rams
    Drexel Dragons

  3. St. Joseph's University Hawks
    Penn State Nittany Lions

  4. Missed the morning workout so did in my work gym: used 25# KB for swings and snatches (did 30 on each arm), and subbed strict pull-ups. 15:38

  5. LaSalle Explorers
    Villanova Wildcats

  6. Hey, Drexel has won a game in the tournament (96) and produced Malik Rose who has at least 1 ring with the Spurs and got massively overpaid to play for the Knicks.

  7. Chris 20:47 SC
    Jessie 18:07 SC
    Troy 20:20 SC
    Pam 16:10 RX
    Erika 18:18 SC
    Dana 17:49 SC
    Nick Z. 14:45 Mod
    Jackie 15:29 SC
    Manisha 19:01 SC
    Chris T. 19:30 SC
    Jill H. 20:18 SC
    Barb 20:15 SC
    Heather 23:30 SC
    Eileen 20:58 SC
    Jill A. 18:31 RX

  8. 530

    Joy 9:15 1/2 sc
    Jill C 21:22 sc
    Ryan S 19:13 Rx
    Joe P 19:56 sc
    Patrick 19:01 sc
    Jason 19:23 sc


  9. My time was 18:29. Sorry I have bad handwriting, Paul!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 4:30

    Jonathan 17:05 Rx
    Josh B 16:20 skwats 4 pistols
    Olan 19:30 piscale
    Roman 17:50 Rx
    Josh P 20:50 sc
    Alona 20:21 piscale
    Jen S 18:57 sc
    Meggan 21:25 sc
    Tim H 19:49 sc
    Erik 21:06 sc
    Brittina 21:30 puscale
    Ly 18:33 sc
    Justin R 15:07 pisrom


    Terrence 15:32 piscale
    Christine 24:08 sc
    Brian T 22:20 sc
    Patrick L 27:31 sc


    Rachel 17:05 Rx
    Michal 22:01 rus
    Lizzie 19:35 sc
    Dave N 24:43 Rx
    Shawn D 20:20 sc
    Matt E 20:55 sc
    Linda 19:28 sc
