
W.O.D. 4.9.15

Congrats to Regi and Maddy for getting on the board with the max height box jump!

Max Height Box Jump

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
5 Ring Dips
10 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
15 Ab-Mat Sit ups

Community Note:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb; CrossFit King of Prussia will be hosting a Level 2 Seminar this weekend.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”


  1. 6am
    King 41", 3+6 (hspu sub)
    Eli P 37", 2+15
    Brian H 37", 3+22 (115#)
    Nicole G 28", 3+7 (45#)
    Kim G 24", 3+12 (65#)

    Rich A 43.5", 5+8 Rx
    Peter W 38.5", 5 rounds Rx
    Tiffany --, 3+28 (95#, band)

  2. 9:30AM
    Scott R 35" 2+28 95#band
    Jill A 30" 3 + 1 Rx
    Alejanda 29" 3 + 12 63#/band
    Jessica 20" 3 + 2 (45#/paralette)
    Josh B 47"
    Jonathan 53.5"

  3. Pam 31" 3+14 Rx
    Troy 27.5" 3+ 8 Rx
    Tim p 48" 3+ 15 Rx
    Mark C 40.5 3 + 5 (kb sub for dips70#)

  4. 630

    Jill 30" 2+8, 65#, band
    Dan 46", 2+13, band
    Balmer :/
    Brian 35" 2+10 115#


  5. 4:30/5:30
    Regi 38.5" (PR!) 3+8 band (moves up on the board!)
    Lauren 34" 3 + 24 65#band
    Bre 34" 3 + 5 75#band
    Mike 41" 2 + :)
    Maddy 37"(Made it on the record board!) PR! 3 (band 55#)
    John 39.5" 3 + 5 paralettes/135#
    Olan 41" 2+25 115#
    Josh (the frog) 44" 3 + 18 95#
    Miranda 34" 7 + 5 55KB
    Giulia 34.5" 2 + 10 Rx
    Shawna 29" 1 + 15 95/85#box
    Genevieve 28" 4+8 53#
    Lindsaaay (PR!) 23" 2 + 17 65/paralettes
    Ben 39.5" (PR!) 2+11 115#

    Congrats to Regi for moving up the leader board with a 38.5" box jump and to Maddy a first timer on the leaderboard with a 37" box jump....

    I was impressed by Jonathan's tenacity today to keep getting a higher box jump, he got a 1/2 inch PR!

    Kudos to Mike M for jumping 41" not bad for asking me about the seniors class...Just joking!
