
W.O.D. 4.23.15

30 Rounds for time:
1 Deadift
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push/Split Jerk
(any shoulder to overhead is permitted)

The Complex must be done in it's entirety to be counted for one round. Scale weight to maximize intensity. Use one weight for the entire workout.

Endurance Note from Coach TP:
The track workout at 5:30 will encompass our first timed 1 mile run. This is a test of fitness and we will repeat it every 4-5 weeks. After a recovery period we will be ready for some speedwork in the form of 2x200m then 2x100m, which activates the fast twitch muscle fibers that you don't want to become dormant!

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."
-Walt Disney


  1. 6AM/9:30AM
    Jill C 12:36 (80#)

    Aimee 16:17 rx
    Jill A 19:00 105#
    Jess A 13:24 55#
    Jill H 15:06 75#
    Alex L 22:00 135#
    Tatiana 9:48 45#
    Gigi 14:20 (18#)
    Heather 15:18 35#
    Manisha 16:05 55#

  2. 12:15
    Dana 14:48 (73/63#)
    Pam 11:38 (83#)

  3. #keithie 20:40 rx
    Mike Z form
    Shawna 20:12 75#
    Giulz 19:33 105#
    Genevieve 18:43 63#
    Regi 17:17 105#
    Cline 17:29 115#
    Ryan S 17:44 115
    Bre 20:52 95#
    Silver Fox mobility
    Terrance 21:53 165#

  4. Fayth 17:41 65#
    Steph C 16:52 65#
    Christine 22:27 95#
    Michal 26:07 95#
    Lindsey 15:50 55#
    Rachel 19:11 rx
    Anne 15:00 55#
    Sue 17:07 45# no dl, 2x stoh

