
W.O.D. 1.29.15

18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 
115/75-lb. power cleans 
One-legged squats, right leg 
One-legged squats, left leg

Community Notes:

“Often it isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the little pebble in your shoe.”
 ― Muhammad Ali


  1. 6am
    Mike S 17:51 (75#, 17"box)
    Josh M 14:40 (95#, 17"box)
    King 15:09 (17"box)

    Jeff B 13:46 (17"box)
    Chet 17:19 (95#, 17"box)
    Jon P 18:36 (band)
    Luther 16:33 (35#, pole support)
    Joe C 19:11 (17"box)

    Morning class is not just a boys club, we do allow girls!

  2. 9:30 AM
    Josh 16:30 RX
    Jill A 12:46 Rx
    Jill H 16:02 (65#/20")
    Tatiana 12:44 (45)
    Pam G 17:27 (rx--alternating)
    Dianne 14:33 (20"/35#)
    Kim G 16:55 (65#/17"box)
    Manisha 15:30 55#/bench red

  3. 4:30/5:30
    Giulia 15:29 73#/13"
    Jonathan 13:03 rx
    Keith 16:38 Rx
    Lauren 14:42 63#/13" box
    Liza 13:40 13" box/50#
    Colton 17:04 53#/13" box
    Joy 13:56 17" box/65#

    Britt 14:20 63#/20"
    Meg 19:24 45/35#/20"
    Karen 15:13 45#/20
    Dave N 17:39 Rx
    Derreck 18:43 20#/115
    Luke 18:56 (sc)
    Alona 17:17 83/16"
    Jen S 13:24 (45/20")
    Seshu 14:33 (95/17")
    Christa 14:25 (63#/17")
    Regi 13:33 Rx
    Flounder 16:27 (75/17")
