
W.O.D. 12.4.14

For time:
60 Calorie Row
50 Burpees Over the Bar
30 Ground to Overhead 95/65
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

Community Notes:
Festivus (our holiday party) is this evening at 5:00PM!
Come in your best "holiday" sweater or gear!

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" 
-Dr. Seuss


  1. 6/7am
    Mike S 20:17 (75)
    Josh 15:19 (75)
    Melissa W 19:57 (45,rr)
    Alona 17:05 (65) bnd
    Jen S 16:14 (35 bnd)
    Joe C 16:13 Rx
    Farah 15:30 Rx

  2. Aimee 11:23 Rx
    Cate 14:37 Rx
    Giulia 14:32 Rx
    Fran 16:59 22#/greenband
    Manisha 17:51 35#
    Mark R 18:00 Rx

  3. express
    Jonathan P - 15:15 85#
    Josh 12:14 65# pukie
    Erika 14:07 53#
