
W.O.D. 12.5.14

Back Squat

Cash Out:
Partner Push-up Ladder x 2
*I do 1, you do 1, I do 2, you do 2, I do 3, you do 3 - until one partner can not complete the full set without breaking a plank position. Start back at 1 rep and repeat for one more ladder. Score will be total Push-ups. 

Community Notes:
Thank you to everyone who came out last night to make Festivus a success!

“A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” 
- B. F. Skinner


  1. Diane 355
    Steve T 105
    Kim G 95
    Marci 105
    Rich P 215
    Manisha 85
    Jackie 175PR!
    Jill A 215
    Jill H 135 PR
    Beth R 115

    Gavin 185
    Lizzie 85
    Regi 175
    Justin 225
    Eric 135
    Jenny 25
    Denise 135
    Karen 105
    Pam 125
    Holly 75

    Diane/Rich/Justin B. 174
    Manisha /Marci 128
    Kim/Steve 42
    Jill/Jackie 198
    Jill/Beth 180
    Lizzie/Pam 105
    Denise/Jenny 80
    Justin/Regi ??
    Karen/Holly 30
    Gavin/Eric 113

    Welcome back Pam and Kim both are back in action postpartum.
    Welcome to Jenny - thanks for joining us to the biggest "express WOD" yet!

  2. 330

    Justin 225
    Regi 175
    Olan 235

    Justin + Regi 132 1 round

    Roman 195
    Chris 185
    Josh M 235
    Jon 235
    Lauren 93
    Josh 295
    Kevin 255

    Chris and Lauren
    Kevin, Josh, Roman 128
    Jon and Josh 156

    Welcome Jon, Josh, Lauren and Chris!!


  3. Ellie 145
    Brian H. 260
    Mike S. 145
    Total 370 Pushups RX

    Pete 235
    Farah 150
    Nick C. 205
    Total 505 Pushups RX
    (Could not build a better pushup team)

    Sue 95
    Chris 95
    Total 95 Pushups RX/Snake

    Josh 195
    Matt 255
    Tim 275
    Total 156 Pushups RX
