
W.O.D. 11.3.14

Congrats to Justin on his first rope climb!!!

 Ring Dips (35 reps)
(Complete 35 reps of your most difficult but successful scale)

AMRAP in 12 Minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs
10 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
Don't forget to mark your calendars for a SPECIAL Boot Camp at 9:00AM with Aimee on Saturday 11/8 in the Annex.

Schedule Updates:
Starting the week of 11/10 we will be adding a 6:30PM CrossFit Class on Thursday and Friday. Aimee will also be taking over the 5:30PM classes on Monday/Thursday.

7AM Tuesday CrossFit Classes start tomorrow.

Go back a little to leap further.
 John Clarke


  1. 6AM
    King 5 +1 rx
    Brian H 4+6 rope pulls x5
    Justin 2 scale

    Farah 4 rom
    Christine 3 rds
    Mark 4 +1 Rx
    John P 4 Rx
    Pete 6 Rx

    Jessie 5 + 10 reps rom rope
    Kara 4 + 8 ROM rope
    Chris T 3 Pulls rom
    Jackie 4 + 10 rom rope
    Manisha 3 + 2 Rx
    Diane 4 +2 rom rope
    Fran 3 + 10 ROM
    Jill H 4 + 3 (2 pulls up rope)
    Jonathan (cindy-9 rds in 12 minutes)
    Jill A 3+6 Rx
    Darcy 5 ROM

  2. 5:30

    Alona 4 Rx
    Jen 5 RP 13"
    Jill C 4+10 ROM
    Josh 5+2 Rx
    Shawna 4 ROM


    Mchal 3+11 Rx (started on BBJ)
    Dave N 4+2 Rx (Started on BBJ)
    Dave S 3 Rx
    Conn 4+3 Rx
    Matt B 3 Rx
    Jordan 2+10 Rx
    Rachel 3+10 Rx (started on BBJ)

  3. 3:30/4:30
    Josh 4+7 Rx
    Pam 6 Rds of Cindy in (12 mins)
    Denise 3+ ROM rope
    Sharon 3 + 1 Rope ROM
    Keith 5 +1
    Regi 4 ROM rope
    JZ 4+5 Rx
    Justin R 4 ROM rope
    Eric 3 ROM
    Liza 5+3 ROM
    Rebecca 4+5
    John 3 ROM rope
