
W.O.D. 9.4.14


 Toes to Bar!

Christine gets her first "10 DU's today"

 Welcome to Chris
and to Justin!

4 Rounds of:  
3min AMRAP of: 
 10 Toes to Bar 
 20 Double Unders 
 10 Snatches...95/65 pounds 
 2min Rest between rounds

Record total Reps to Total WoD.

Community Notes:
Click here to sign up today for SuperFit Philly. CFKoP's biggest team competition of the year, on October 18th 2014...this will boast teams of two for both Scaled and RX teams of two, M/M, M/F, F/F.  Volunteers for judges are also needed...

"The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play." 
-Arnold J. Toynbee


  1. What is you goal for the day? I set a daily goal for myself everyday. It's not a general goal, it is a clearly defined goal that will help to achieve a bigger goal I set out to accomplish later this year. So again, "What is your goal for today?"

  2. 6/7am
    Chris L 245 (su, 35#)
    Justin D 286 (su, 35#)
    Jon P 178 (65#)
    King 286 Rx
    Peter 287 Rx

  3. 8:30
    Alison 231 Rx
    Cate 303 Rx
    Aimee 316 Rx
    Keith 257 Rx

    Barb 280 (5,10,1legSU, 35#)
    Kate 109 (10,7,10, 15#)
    Rebecca 282 (45#)
    Christine 246 (5,:),10)33#)
    Jill H 119 (5,8,10) 35#)
    Alejandra 91 (5,5,10) 22#
    Diane 119 :)

    The 9:30 scaled in regard to the number of reps completed. Many did 5 Toes to Bar, 5-10 Double unders or attempts to keep the intensity up and be able to cycle through rounds.

    Kate thanks for dropping in!

  4. 12:00
    Gavin 157 (5,10,10) 65#
    Pam 192 (5,20,10) 53#
    Jill A 140 (5,10,10) 65#
    Holly 245 (5, 40 su, 10) 15#

  5. 5:30

    Tim H 132 65 su t2b
    Stephanie C 143 35 dua
    Jill C 129 35 dua t2b
    Josh P 164 75 t2b
    Mike C 171 75 t2b

  6. 4:30PM
    Roman 225 Rx
    Chris (fla) 280 Rx
    Bre 180 35# (10,10,10)
    Justin R 230 Rx
    Alex 265 75#
    Melissa 101 (35#) *first class
    Marci 118 35# (10, 8,10)
    Erika 149 (6, 15, 10) 55#
    Giulia 283 Rx
    Alli 210 Rx

    Good work all around team!
