
W.O.D. 9.5.14

Back Squat:
1x10 @60% of your 1RM
1x8 @70% of your 1RM
1x8 @75% of your 1RM
1x8 @80% of your 1RM

 3 Rounds not for time:
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 Hip Extensions
200 Meter Run

Community Notes:
Join us at 5:30PM tonight for a FUN team WOD before our "End of Summer" Party! There may or may not be tug of war and water balloons involved. It's gonna be fun, we promise---an event not to be missed. See you there! Free for Friends and Family.  New members will receive FREE fundamentals and a free week at CFKoP. Remember to bring money for raffles that benefit Steve's Club King of Prussia (our non-profit for at risk youth).

"The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play." 
-Arnold J. Toynbee


  1. Never lose the child likeness in you. Do something fun everyday and be spontaneous. Your life will love you for it!

  2. Diane 260 x5
    Rich 155
    Lisa 75x3
    Jackie 145
    Jen F 80
    Kara 80
    Nick Z 205
    Mark R
    Fran 72
    Jen S 40 /8 mins

  3. Gina 110
    Mike S 120
    Kim 85
    Ellie 95 FS

    Peter 220
    Mark 185
    Jill 185

    Pam 135
    Holly 75

  4. Justin Form
    Alex Form
    Chris (FL)
    Rachel 245 PR
    Tim M.

    Nice meeting you Chris, safe travels.
