
W.O.D. 9.22.14

Back Squat: 
1x10 @65% of your 1RM 
1x10 @70% of your 1RM 
1x8 @80% of your 1RM 
1x8 @85% of your 1RM


"Widow Maker"
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (20/24#)
20 Double Unders

Community Notes:
This will be our last week of working at percentages of our Back and Front Squats then we will retest in the last week of September/first week in October. 

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."


  1. I feel like the biggest accomplishment that a person can acheive in life is self-mastery. This definition is going to vary from person to person of course, because this has a very personal meaning to master one's self. What does it mean (to you) to master yourself?

  2. 6am
    Chris L. 155# 5 su 20"
    King 185# 8+3 rx
    Ellie 100#Front 6+6 rx
    Gina 125# 8 rx
    Tracy 135# 6+15 du/su 17"

  3. For Miranda

    Peter 235x6, 10rx
    Sarah 95x4, 5+15 dua

  4. 9:30

    Ghouls 155 8+15 Rx
    Jill A 195 6+20 dua
    Candi 155x4 5+27su
    Fran 58 6+55 su
    Manisha 58 7 dua
    Bre 95 6 dua
    Christine E 95 4+5 dua
    Katrina 75box 4 dua
    Bill 275 6+15su

  5. For Keith

    Christine M 93, 6+3 SU
    Josh Mc 180, 7+5 SU
    Roman 183 9+1 rx

    Rebecca 85 6+18su
    Regi 155 6+16 Su
    Anne 85 6+15 Row/Stepup
    Justin R 205x6 8+5 Rx
    Joe G 2015x6, 5
    Mike F 255 4+4 Rx
    Tim M 285 7+5 Su

    Sean Carter 175 6+9 su
    Jill C 145 7Su
    Marci 105 6+10 Scale
    Josh P 185 7+20Rx
    Rich A 255 9+9 rx
    Melissa 155 5+30 Su/17"
    ryan s 175 6+52 su
