
W.O.D. 9.18.14

Front Squat:
1x5 @60% of your 1RM
1x5 @70% of your 1RM
1x5 @75% of your 1RM
1x5 @80% of your 1RM

5 Sets of 5 Strict Pull-ups

Cash out:
Timed 800 Meter Run

Community Notes:
All weekend Classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb. 

"Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low."
-Henry Ward Beecher


  1. You are a developing story. Every day you have the chance to alter your story and change the topic of your 'book'. So what is your story about?

  2. 6/7am

    Joe B-visit from Boston, 210x5, 2:51 800m Time
    Josh M 185#, 3:15
    Justin D 125#, 3:47
    Chris L 135#, 4:38
    Gina S 95#, 3:35
    Kim G 95#, 5:24
    Pete 195#, 2:56
    Chet 185#1rm, 3:52
    Nick C 165#, 3:56
    Jon P 185#, 2:52

  3. 9:30
    Jill A 140 4:27
    Bre 105 4:28
    Nick Z 180 3:09
    Diane 185 5:20
    Jonathan 225 3:18
    Pam 110 3:50

  4. 5:30

    John T 115 3:45
    Shawna 105 4:29
    Derreck 195 4:13
    Flounder 125 3:47
    Tim Mc 232 3:04
    Jason I 145 2:54

  5. 12:00
    Sharon 105#/ 6:53
    Eric 65 form/3:42
    Gavin 150 3:48

    Justin 170#/2:52
    JZ 155#/3:25
    Seshu 190# 3:21
    Kate F 85/5:51
    Anne 78 4:45 - 1000M row
    Marci 75+boot - 5:11 1000 Meter row
    Erika 95#/4:20

  6. I heard through the grapevine Shawna got her first pull-up recently--nice job lady!
