
W.O.D. 9.17.14

Split Jerk:
Take 20 minutes to work on your Split Jerk.  Use this as skill or to get to a 1 RM. Loads can be taken from the rack. 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 Calorie Row
15 Push Jerks (65/95#) (do not exceed 50% of 1 RM)

Community Notes:
All weekend Classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb. 

This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.
-Winston Churchill


  1. Sometimes we may feel like a friend is confrontational with what they say. When in reality they are pushing our buttons because they know we are capable of more, and are giving us a dose of "tought love"!

  2. 6am

    Welcome Joe! Thanks for dropping in

    Joe 225/ 6 rds RX
    Josh 105 (Form)/ 6+9 75#
    King 185/ 7 rds RX
    Mike 115/ 4 rds 57.5#

  3. 12
    Pam 130 pr!, 5r rx
    Eric form, 5r 55#kbs

  4. 430pm

    Justin 235# (PR!!!!), 6+21 RX
    Anne 75# (PR!!!!), 5+12 35#
    Regi 155#, 6 RX (all PJ unbroken!)
    Melissa 123#, 5 53#
    John Mc 175# (PR!!!!), 4+6 RX

    Liza 100# (PR!!!!), 6+15 40#
    Jen S 85# (PR!!!!), 5+2 45#
    Josh 185# (PR!!!!), 5 85#
    Marci 65# Push Press, 4+11 35#
    Alejandra 55# (PR!!!!), 5 35#
    Alona 105 (PR!!!!), 5+15 RX
    Jill C 105#, 5+18 50#
    John T Form 95#, 6 63#

  5. 6:30

    Erika #105 5
    Conn 215 4+20
    Rachel 135 4+28
    Michal 85 4+21
    Matt E 185 5+14


    Nick C 195 5 RX
    Mike C 165 4+26
    Steph C 95 5+3 Cal (45) the end
    Linda 70 5+7 Cal (35)Das Ist Acces.
    Fayth 105 5+13 (45) the end.. .end... end...
    Sue 101 5 (35) the end end

    Excellent work tonight in both classes! Lots of progress made this evening! I saw a lot of athletes with awesome speed under the bar and being very aggressive with the initiation of the dip/drive. Way to push tonight gang!

  6. Diane 193
    Cate 153 -7 RX
    Jackie 135 - 5+15 RX
    Kara 83 - 7 #35
    Christ 83 - 7 #35
    Jill a. 120 - 5+12 RX
