
W.O.D. 7.29.14

Leslie back squats 300#

Gymnastics Focus:

Complete 250 Double Unders (when) if you stop, each time you must complete one round of 'Cindy' (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats). 

Substitute: 750 Single Unders or bring the number of Double Unders down to 150.

Rx will be consecutive DU's no single unders in between.  DU's with singles between are allowed but just not as Rx'd.

"It's simple ... go the extra mile and you will stand out from the crowd."
-Robin Crow

Boot Camp:


  1. I am in the states from Great Britain.. Do we really have to do 750 single unders as a scale? :-/

  2. I clearly remember this wod from my first few weeks of cf. coach swine yelling at me. I could barely do su. Jerry turner did 750 su unbroken.

    Leslie you are THE powerlifter #1. So happy for your accomplishments.

  3. We can scale anything and everything Paxton.

  4. You have a certain degree of power over every situation in life. You may not be able to control the situation, but you can control the way you respond to it. My point is this; if you have power over yourself and if you respond, rather than react your chances are better to dissolve a problem than to amplify it.

  5. Way to go Leslie!!! That is awesome!!! Keep up the great work!

  6. Alex: 7:42 Rx (3rds)
    JZ: 8:02 SU (2 rds)
    Keith: 12:22 Rx (5 rds)
    Nick: 23:57 Rx (15 rds)
    Travis: 18:49 (125DU) ST
    Chris: 9:19 Rx (5 rds)
    Roman: 18:00 Rx (ST)
    Jill: 16:04 500SU (ST)
    Michal: 11:33 DU/DU/band (4 rds)
    Regi: 9:21 SU (2 rds)

    Matt H: 14:00 SU (4 rds)
    Josh P: 14:25 (5 rds)

    Today was great. I was sooooo excited to see so many people doing Rx pull-ups. I sense that the gymnastics month is playing dividends. I love it. I loved the intensity from everyone today. I saw very few people quit jumping, I saw people fail at jumping which is a HUGE mental improvement. Awesome work everyone. I am very proud of all of you today.

  7. Alex---nice job!!! Jason said you were only one rep away from the 100 DU board...kudos.

  8. 12n
    Aimee 17:52rx 9rounds
    Darren :/
    Gavin 20m time cap 12rounds/22du
    Pam 20m time cap 66du/6rdsband
    Sarah 20m time cap 226su/band/box/8rounds

    As frustrating as it is, choosing to do the double unders is what will make you better at them. Congrats to pam for increasing her max set today!

  9. 6AM

    Pete 8:45 RX/ 4RNDS
    King 12:28RX/6RNDS
    Brian 20:36 SU/6RNDS
    Rebecca 5:40 SU ALL UNBROKEN!!!

    6:30 Mobility

    Matt H
    Jen S

  10. Fugo 6:29 SU/1
    Kara 18:38 SU/7
    Jackie 19:47 SU/6
    Steph C. 14:23 SU/5
    Anne 15:08 SU/5
    Joe G. 15:00 Cap
    Christ 17:44 SU/5
    Joy 19:10 RX/7
    John 15:50 SU/7
    D 16:20 SU
    Marni 18:18 SU/8
    Nico 19:05 SU/5
    Alona 21:13 DU+SU/7
    Kelly 16:20 SU
    Rachel 20:42 SU
    Jessie 7:36 SU
    Sarah 20:38 SU
    Brit 18:21 SU
