
Brawl in the Burbs, FREE Adventure WOD and The CrossFit Games

What's going on at CrossFit King of Prussia this weekend?

While the fittest are competing in California at the CrossFit Games, CrossFit KoP will be hosting the Brawl in the Burbs (a local throw-down, team competition, all day Saturday July 26th) please join us to spectate and watch (CFKoP athletes---Alison, Diane, Dave, Mr. Intensity, Rachael, Derreck, Coach McCann, Coach Miranda, Coach Aimee & Coach Cate) or just swing by to watch the CrossFit Games, we will be streaming them live!

If you want to get a quick workout in at 10:00AM... Click here to sign up for the FREE Friends and Family Adventure Workout at CrossFit KoP (Annex) at 10:00 AM on Saturday...see you there.

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