
W.O.D. 5.19.14

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our Bridgeport Barbell Club Athletes who competed at the East Coast Gold Classic this weekend. Coach Miranda took the top of the podium along with Coach Steph and Jocelyn.  CrossFit teens Natalia and Kate also won a spot on the podium. We are so proud of our athletes.
Click here to check out our summer session of the Bridgeport Barbell Club with Coaches Steph, Paul and Jim.

6 rounds for time:
10 Hang Power Clean (65/95#)
10 Front Squat (65/95#)
10 Shoulder to Overhead (65/95#) 

*All the above work for each round will be done with out putting the bar down. If the bar is dropped a 10 burpee penalty will be assessed and completed prior to the athlete moving on. 

Community Notes:
 Boot camp this week and each week going forward will be at 5:00PM on Monday and 5:30PM on Tuesday. See you there!

CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting an Olympic Lifting Seminar on August 2nd/3rd. Click here for registration information.

“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.”
― Elbert Hubbard



  1. There is only one person that is like you. When you're no longer here there is no one exactly like you to take your place -you are irreplcacable. So while you are here leave your mark whatever it may be. You KNOW what your mark is, now go and show it!

  2. 7am

    Mark 14:25 (65#)
    Joe 13:39 (75#)
    Alex 13:45 (75#)

    Mark- great job-way to be smart about that shoulder.
    Joe- front rack for the squats was excellent, way to fight through the fatigue
    Alex-shoulder to overheads looked strong! next time hold onto that bar, i know you can!!

  3. Ellie 10:08 45#
    Gina 9:38 45#
    Sneakers 11:53. 65#
    Bryce (chi town) 12:56. 75#
    Fred (France) 11:30 Rx

    welcome to drop ins Fred and Bryce! Good job 6am, not a single burpee was done this morning.

  4. 9:30 AM
    Alejandra 15# 16:33
    Barb 53# 15:24
    Diane 65# 14:52
    Lizzie 40# 13:44
    Kathleen 35# 13:31
    Tori 53# 9:44

    no burpees done in 9:30AM...a lot of mental struggle to keep that bar moving. These ladies did awesome.
    Alejandra- keep working on the dip shrug drop stand for the HPC
    Barb- great mental focus to keep the bar moving.
    Diane- get into your heels and off the toes!
    Lizzie- I think you could have done 45#
    Kathleen - great job using the ball to focus on depth and keeping core tight.
    Tori nice job on form with the lighter bar.

    Try not to game this and go lighter because you think you cannot do it. Use the weight you normally would and dig inside, don't be afraid to fail! (it's only burpees...you might surprise yourself)

  5. Ryan: 7:50 (115#)
    Justin R: 19:47 (95/75#)
    Liza: 12:19 (35#)
    Mari(ee)sa: 7:20 (Rx)
    Jill: 11:44 (Rx)
    Kate F: 11:08 (45/35#)
    Regi: 10:06 (55#)
    Anne: 13:17 (40/35#/box)
    Travis: 17:33 (5rds), 22:15 (Rx)
    Guils: 10:18 (Rx)
    Keith: 12:17 (Rx)

    Ryan: Great weight choice and minimal breaks
    Justin R: Pure grit, not the time domain but LOTS OF HEART
    Liza: Focus on keeping your elbows high every squat
    Mari(ee)sa: Awesomesauce now we need to further minimize breaks
    JIll: Awesome rack but we need to get your elbows up quicker
    Kate: Best cleans I have ever seen you do. Now we need to be ready to accept load
    Regi: Great weight choice
    Anne: Practice squatting to a chair 25 times a day
    Travis: Loved that you quit and then unquit to finish. Well done.
    Guils: Correct weight but we need to minimize the breaks.
    Keith: Loved the insane push in the beginning. Way to fail, not quit. Great work.

  6. 530pm
    Josh 14:57 65#
    Laura 10:02 RX
    Dana 22:48 55#
    Jason 23:03 85#
    Kelly 18:16 45#
    Shawna 16:12 50#
    Jill C 19:04 55#
    Tracy O 16:59 55#

    Josh-excellent job keeping breaks to a minimum and no burpees!!
    Laura-you are beyond impressive, thanks for the inspiration
    Dana-nice meeting you, welcome back!! great job tonight
    Jason-way to fight through
    Kelly-awesome job fighting through those reps
    Shawna-I know the shoulder is frustrating but you are doing all of the right things and the hang cleans looked great
    Jill C-you crushed those burpees! way to motor through
    Tracy-front squats were excellent and strong performance overall

  7. Sharon 53# 19:42
    Aimee 9:19 Rx

    Sharon great job to stay on that bar each round!

  8. 6:30
    Steph I 9:45@35
    Kirill 19:43@75
    Cline 13:02@65
    Zelda 17:52@35
    Conn 14:00@65
    Michal 15:35@35
    Matt 13:58 rx
    Anne b 9:58@35
    Jacob 15:44@65

  9. 5:30 Mobility

    Jill A
    Justin R

    I'm impressed with the number of athletes that have rollers and other mobility tools at home and in the office. Love it!
