
W.O.D. 5.18.14

Push Jerk or Split Jerk
*for skill or strength (athletes choice)

For Time:
10-1 (Descending Ladder)
Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder (choose weight based on level and ability of athlete)
4 Strict Pull-ups between each set

*for example 10 G to S stone 4 Strict pull-ups, 9 G to S stone 4 Strict pull-ups...etc.

Community Notes:
Open Gym from 11-1PM.  FREE for members, a 2 hour time to work on a skill, strength or missed WOD. 

“If you can quit, quit. If you can't quit, stop complaining - this is what you chose.”
― J.A. Konrath


  1. Share your "story" with people. You never know when something that you have done (or not done)
    Willl inspire someone to new heights. We are all meant to inspire, empower and uplift one another. And you never know who that may be!

  2. 9:00

    Ashley 80 12:38 35 band
    Ellie 135 split 13:27 70
    LP 145
    Zelda 73 12:14 35 band


    Amy 35 split 12:07 35 band
    MarcI 65 split 13:23 35
    Mike S 125 split 20:56 70
    Rachel 135 split 17:00ish 70

    Thanks to Ashley and Ellie for dropping in from Honesdale(NEPA)!!!!!
