
W.O.D. 5.17.14

Welcome back Dana!

Take 10 minutes to work on a gymnastic skill, MU, Toes to Bar, Pull-ups or HSPU.

Team WOD:
Partners complete for time:
100 Thrusters (95/135#)
One athlete holds a plank while the other athlete does Thrusters until 100 are completed. Whenever either partner stops they must switch exercises.

Community Notes:
Open gym is on Sunday 5/18 in the Main Gym from 11-1PM. 

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.”
― Walt Whitman


  1. We can learn from the past so we don't keep making the same mistakes. The biggest mistake we can make is bring the past into our present and then become our future. Our past was yesterday leave it where it belongs.

  2. Anne 55, Amy 45, Steph C. 55 = 820

    Regi 55, Rachel 85, Michal 55 = 11:47

    Fred 115, Jason I. 115 = 12:25

    Keith RX, Aimee RX = 8:36

    Brian 75, Dana 55 = 10:34

    Nice work with the Heavy Thrusters today.
    Congrats to Fred (France) that got his first muscle up today. #Murica
