
W.O.D. 5.16.14

Ten,  2 minute Rounds of
20 Double Unders
1 RM Snatch

Score is total weight snatched in each round, (i.e 180, 185, 190, 190, 195, 190, 190, 195, 200, 185=1900)

You will have the remaining 2 minutes after the Double Unders to successfully lift the weight.  Your score will be the total weight lifted for all 10 rounds.  You may load the bar for the next round at any time. You can progressively load the bar to a 1RM or make sure all sets are about 80% of your max…but the GOAL is to HEAVY each round. Scale Double Unders as needed for level and ability.

Community Notes:
Open gym is on Sunday in the Main Gym from 11-1PM. 

“It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Sometimes we have to deny all sense of local thought and rationale, trust our gut and just GO FOR IT! Whatever "it" may be.

  2. Alona, Jen, Travis, Tim, Justin, Andrea, Ryan, Aim...

    Enterprise just called me and told me that my rental price was being adjusted. They said I can no longer drop the car off on Sunday and Monday is a holiday forcing me to keep it until Tuesday. This makes the price of the rental $524.37 so I cancelled it figuring that was WAY too much money to spend. So, I think we need two cars. I can drive mine and I can fit 6. Anyone else open to drive?

  3. 4:30

    Giulia 915.6
    Arieanne 520
    Taryn 815/ PR@95#
    Justin R 1520
    Jen Solt ROM
    Alona 1155/ 9@75, 6@80
    Roman 1170
    Josh 1140 PR@125
    Sharon 678
    Samson 1225

    5:30 Mobility

    John M
    Justin R

  4. Lots of PRs today!!!! Fun day to coach!!

    Zelda 529* 63PR
    Elena 895rx 110PR
    Kim G 560*

    Jen F 820Cleans* 105PR
    Jill A 905* 100PR
    Joe C 1350Rx
    Mark R 1370* 150PR
    Sarah S 448*fromBlocks 52PR
    Alex L 975* 110PR

    Gavin 1020* 115PR
    Pablo 825*FromBlocks
    Pam 742(10DU)
    Bobby 530(10DU)FromBlocks 58PR
    John M 1185* 135PR
    Kate F 463(10DU) 62PR
    Alex 905(20sAirDyne)110PR

    *= 30 Single Unders Scale

    So my biggest take away from coaching you today and watching a lot of you PR, is how important it is to clear your mind and be present when you lift. I think with the time crunch and the double unders people had less time to "talk themselves out of" the lift. Less time to think about the weight. When you're going heavy, thinking of any sort gets in the way. Our highest possibility happens whenever we are completely present in life and in the gym.

  5. Diane 1,155 (125PR)
    Barb 669
    Kara 690
    Christ 650
    Marni 150 #35KBS Reps
    Eileen 3,800 #26KBS Reps
    Dianne 470
    Rich 1,150
    Flounder 1,150
    Dave 1,325 (165PR)
    Tim 1,570 Cleans
    Shawna 1,000 Doubles
    Marci 755 Triples
    Steph C. 625
    Luke 1,410 PR

    Great Job today to everyone.
    Lots of smart decisions with how to do this workout.
    Lots of smart scaling with doubles, triples, working on form, pausing at knee etc...
    Lots of PR's at the 16 and 18min marks.
    Thank you for listening to me.
