
W.O.D. 5.1.14

Dr. Turner in the house!

Congrats to Alex on his first MU!!!!
Bridge run or 400 Meter (swim) anyone???
Endurance class...got a little rained on!

5 Rounds for time of:
1 Muscle Up
3 Power Snatch (95/135#)
6 Box Jumps (24/30#)
12 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft)

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
― Maya Angelou


  1. Consistency breeds results. Some times we work our hardest for months at a time for little if any reward. Often we get to the point where we start to question our program, coach, or even why we are putting forth the time & energy. Then seeming out of nowhere we have COLOSSAL gains! Just hang in there, have faith and patience. Most importantly have fun, your results are on the way!

  2. All roads to the gym are currently blocked, it took me 30 minutes to get past cops blocking roads. Everything is flooded.

  3. Roads seem to be open now, lots of cars going past and people are at class. :)

    Way to not use the rain as an excuse guys, well done!

  4. Bridges on both sides of the gym are closed...park and walk over, I'm here for the 9:30AM class.

  5. Mike S: 14:58 (SPU, 75#, 30", 15#)
    Zelda: 15:29 (BPU, 53#, 20", 8#)

    Mike: Awesome job on the snatch and keeping the bar close, box jumps were LEGIT.

    Zelda: Once you figured out how to aggressively open your hip, it was a HUGE difference, great job today! First pullups!

  6. 9:30--they made it "hell or high water..." haha!
    Susan 14:04 (24",65#, 14#, 3ringpulls/ringdips)
    Jill 12:26 (17",45#, 10#, 3ringpulls/ringdips)

    Aimee 10:12 Rx

  7. Gavin 13:52 85#
    Kevin 9:10 115#
    Pam 11:23 78 transitions
    Manisha 11:33 40#/20#/8#/transition

    Kudos to Gavin and Kevin for rocking out the MU's...Pam solid all around intensity! Manisha nice job on the snatch.

    Kevin- get that hip open!

    Bre 10:41- Jump MU 75#
    Keith 8:44 Rx
    Jill 12:54 55#, MUT
    Alex 10:56 75# 1st MU then 5 more! congrats!
    Nick 11:58 65#
    Regi 9:25 scaled
    Joe G 13:03 scaled 95#

    Bre--keep working that MU you are close!

  8. 5:30

    Kirill 12:43 115 1st MU plus all 5 in the WOD
    Matt B 12:06 MUT
    Ryan B 10:42 30#WB RR
    Ryan S 12:35 95 Bar MUs
    Ryan A 12:50 95 PU/dip
    Cline 12:14 scale
    Derreck 12:21 JMU
    John B 11:30 scale
    Shawna 11:11 55 10wb 24"
    Josh P 12:24 85 PU/dip
    Stephanie C 9:30 scale
    Tim McC 8:07 80#KBS

    That was a great class! Thanks to Coach Tim for leading us in a cool down stretch. Also thank you to Coach Paul for filling in for me while I put the top on my jeep in the middle of that short downpour.

  9. we need some more Ryan's in the gym...anyone?

  10. I'm still kinda upset i didn't get the memo to wear blue shirts.
