
W.O.D. 5.2.14

21-15-9 reps of:
155/225 pound Deadlift
95/135 pound Overhead Squat

Compare to (7.8.13)

Community Notes:
ALL weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb Street, please meet and park there. The Annex did flood but we are back in working order (thanks to Dad) and only had three rower and one gymnastic mat casualties. There will be NO CrossFit "preschool" kids class on Saturday at 10AM. 

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
― Cicero


  1. The quote above really says it all. Every morning when I wake up I say out loud "thank you for another day". Then while I'm brushing my teeth I'm thinking of the people, events and things I'm grateful for. This (posting on the blog) always make it to the top 3. What are you grateful for?

  2. 6am
    Rachel 12:16 145/55
    Michal 13:29 85/55
    Kim G 9:29 115/45
    Brian H 11:46 115FS
    Tracy 12:11 63

    Peter 13:17 115
    Oleg 14:36 115
    Jill A 9:09 135/55
    Alex 9:55 185/95

    Greg 9:57 135/65

    James 10:20 185/95 FS

    Welcome to our new member greg!! Nice work working hard on form today. And to James with some dedication you can make quick improvements on the issues we talked about!

  3. Zelda 13:07 95/35 FS
    Rich 11:28 165/95 BS
    Joe G. 10:52 185/155 BS
    Diane 8:59 RX
    Dianne 9:02 105/35
    Susan 10:35 125/95 FS
    Barb 8:53 155/41 FS
    Kara 9:18 135/58 FS
    Fran 8:59 83/35 FS
    Audrey 11:00 103/65
    Jill H. 11:38 145/55 FS
    Jessie 7:21 93/35
    Sarah S. 5:45 75/35
    Dave.Harvard.Edu 6:51 185/95
    Jill 9:10 125/80 FS
    Ryan S. 9:10 185/96
    LP 7:42 135/95
    Tim H. 5:47 155/95 FS
    Shawna 11:03 100/65 FS
    Steph C. 7:47 105/60 FS
    Marci 9:54/45
