
W.O.D. 4.30.14

Hang Clean

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 minutes
10 GHD Sit-ups
5 Toes to bar

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
― Marcel Proust


  1. Do you do not what you do to fit in with your peers? Why? Did you ever think of taking an objective point of view? Authenticity and genuineness is rare short supply and high demand. Go against the grain and see how liberating it is!

  2. Boot camp was a lot of fun, I hope they let me back in.

  3. 6 am:
    Tracy 115/3 wipers
    Peter 195/5rx
    King 175/5 scaled
    Nick 175/5rx

  4. 4:30
    Regi 130/3 Rx
    Jill 100 3+7 sc
    Marci 43 form/3 sc
    Giuls 135/4 Rx
    Ryan B 305 form
    Alison form/3+9 Rx
    Diane 153/2+13 Rx

    Francisco 185/5
    LP 148 PR/4
    Steph C 95/4

    good stuff folks! some got frustrated either by the movement or my strict enforcing of the hook grip, but it's just like eating your veggies: you don't like it, but in the long run it's good for you!

  5. Fugo 100 PR!!!
    John M. 170 PR!!!
    Rich P. 140 PR!!!

    Great job to all. Rich comes in 20min early every class, goes to mobility class often. He has made amazing improvements. One of those improvements is his front rack position and today he hit a 35lb PR because of it. Good job my friend.

  6. 6:30

    Vlad 155#/6
    Kirill 165#/5+8 RX
    Jill 100#/4+2 SC
    Anne 85#/5 SC
    Fayth 90#/4+14 SC
    Sarah 75.5#/5 SC
    Conn 205#/5 SC
    Derreck 215#/4+9
    Matt 205#/4SC
    Brett 225#/4
    Jess Sssss 90.5#/6 SC

    HUGE 6:30 class tonight... 2x the normal size! I assume that either the Flyers or the weather had something to do with that?
    Great work tonight everyone!
    Saw some quick elbows, quick drops and even heard a few choice words from unlikely sources -Love it! Way to push through the cashout as well, YOU GUYS KICKED ASS!!!

    7:30 Coach Sess!

    Keith B 275#/5+11 RX

    First time I had the opputunity to coach you Keith! The first few you caught on your toes (slightly). But as your weight went up your form improved. Excellent work Keith
