
W.O.D. 4.10.14

Mark R!
NN-- Dianne--"believe in yourself"
 Ladies up the rope!
 "I don't sweat I sparkle!"
 ----finish----PR 170#
4:30 boys up the rope!



Cash out:
3 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope climb 20ft
5 Snatches @ 80% 1RM

Community Notes:
This weekend we will be hosting a level 1 Seminar-- all weekend classes will be held in the Annex.  Meet and park at the Annex.


Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. 
-Napoleon Hill


  1. You're either trudging forward or sliding backwards. There's no staying still.

  2. Today was awesome. So happy to be back at 6am.

    Mike S: 93 (5:26 rx)
    King: 140 pr (3:58 rx)
    Luke S: 145 (4:53 15')

    Mike: Your speed through the middle was AMAZING...fastest I have ever seen...snatch balances are needed to get comfort in the landing position.
    King: Hit the hip crease EVERY time. Now we need speed on the way down...Tall snatches suck but will help you.
    Luke S: Strong like bull, same as King, man...you hit the crease every rep but now need SPEED.

    From the floor to the hip crease, the class rocked, slowly but surely we chip away at the progressions and then glue them all together. I liked what I saw.

  3. 7am
    Justin R 155, 4:49 (15')
    Mark W 135, 5:36 (10')
    Peter W 145, 3:16 Rx
    Nick C 135, 5:58 Rx

  4. CFEndurance Track workout did a kickass set tonight of:
    4x200m.... but after the last interval of the first set, they would immediately drop and do 20pushups.
    After the last interval of the second set, they would immediately drop and do 20 situps; after the last interval of the last (200) set, they would immediately do 20 squats. - this one hurt.

    Dave N
    Tim H
    Jen Sol
    Kelly G
    Joy N
    Jess C

    Next week, weather pending is our FIRST 1 Mile time trial of the season. Come out and see what you can run a mile on the track in.

  5. Some great work on mechanics here today, but remember in some cases we might need Mobility before Mechanics...
    Diane :)
    Jackie 100
    Manisha 48 (4:57) 33#
    Lizzie 60 (4:32) 45#
    Dianne 73# 4:57 53#

    Pam 88 PR 4:23
    Kate F 50 6:03
    Ryan B 235#
    Chris 53 form 6:19
    Gavin 83# 3:49

    Brett 170PR 8:53
    Liza 55 form 3:10
    Regi 98 PR 4:29 (1/2 rope)
    Patrick 135 form 4:27
    Kevin 125 4:30
    WW 115 PR 5:03 15ft
    Keith form

    Diane- get that hand/wrist looked at
    Jackie--mama strong, awesome job.
    Manisha- gain confidence udder the bar
    Lizzie- (Shawn--please buy lizzie some oly shoes) be tighter in the landing
    Dianne-way to believe in yourself..that went a long way

    Pam--Kudos on work and dedication to form...shined through with a new PR
    Kate--you outdid yourself expectation...well done
    Ryan--FOOT WORK drills and Snatch Balance should be your friend for the next few weeks...
    Chris- dude, you left the gym got half way home and came back to conquer the rope, great job!
    Gavin, straight arms and open the hip...practice will make better!

    Brett- eyes straight ahead and get rid of that 80's neck swoop...kudos on the PR! great dedication on the rope climb and snatches on the cash out.
    Liza- form work --great!
    Regi- uuuugggg...100 next time woman! pan was hot!
    Patrick --mobility then mechanics --good job on the focus though, remember more weight doesn't equal better form
    Kevin--welcome, get that hip open and work on foot work too...and some speed under the bar.
    WW --I liked the work to get to the high hang and when you did you saw success.
    Keith- good luck this weekend...

  6. 5:30

    Cline 105 5:29
    Bre 90 5:45
    Derreck 125 5:32

    Cline way to squeeze those lats and stay firm in the setup
    Breanna: as you warmed up you did a great job of getting your hips all the open in the finish.
    Derreck: you can drive that weight way high. Snatch balance and OHS will help train shoulder stability to catch in that low deep squat.

    I have been emphasizing keeping the bar close and getting it to the hips in the finish/triple extension. This is a position that we pass through rather than get to. The bar shouldn't be stopping at and bouncing off of the hips but rather brushing/sweeping off of them as it passes through this position. All three athletes in tonight's class did a great job of recognizing this and scaling back weight to work on it. Nice work all around.

  7. Thanks aimee...I have advanced arthritis. .yeah being old is fun!!! To fix it....surgery. .no thanks!

  8. Diane---lets look at nutrition again and try to make some gains that way...message me.
