
W.O.D. 4.9.14

 Yeah Tobin!

Take 10 Mintues to find your Max Height Box Jump


3 Rounds for time of:
200 Meter Farmers Carry (35/55#)
25 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
250 Meter Row
25 Box Jumps (20/24")


“Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.” ― Helen Keller


  1. When you look for the good in someone (and focus intently on that), then you receive more of that from them. This works the other way around too.

  2. 6am
    Peter W 19:04 Rx
    Mike T 16:51Rx, max BJ 50 1/2"

  3. Lizzie 18:47 #26/SU/#26
    Diane 21:21 SU/#35
    Dianne 22:10 #35/SU/#35
    Fugo 18:31 Russ/Su/#18
    Zelda 21:22 #26/Su/#18

    *Lizzie- If you did not actually bring your little guy nobody would know that you just had a baby, keep up the hard work :-)
    *Diane- Don't worry, Jonathan will be back soon! #35 KBS are not enough, next time Mens RX
    *Dianne- Good Job on the KBS, and pushing hard at the end when everyone was yelling at you.
    *Fugo- Thanks for leading the stretches, you help out a lot.
    *Zelda- 1. You have the best son ever, 2. Much improved since your intro, starting to get in a groove.. Keep it up.

  4. 6:30

    Conn 44" 19:29 SC
    Ryan A 41" 19:18 SC
    Tim H 37" 20:11 SC
    Jeff 44" 19:32 RX
    Audrey 27" PR! 19;34 SC
    Brett Man-Calves 39" 19:18 RX


    Jess Ssss 35 1/2 17:26 Sc
    Rachel W 34" 19:09 RX/ russian swings
    Sarah 27" PR! 17:02 SC
    Steph C 32 1/2 PR! 16:27 SC

    Great work everyone! I saw a LOT of PR'S tonight and everyone did a great job of finding a progression that worked for them to maintain the stimulus of the workout. Thank you Brett for sticking around and cheer on the ladies of the 7:30 class, I'm know that they appreciated it

  5. 4:30
    Regi 23:17 25fc/37"
    Travis 19:58 Rx/41"
    Marci 24:38 20fc/23"
    Giuls 22:41 Rx

    Ryan S 23:11 Rx/46"
    Josh 20:38 45#/42"
    Luke 24:34 sc/45"
    Alona 19:58 Rx/27.5"
    Jennifer 19:19 15# 18#/17"
    Joy 19:27 25fc/31"
    Melissa (NY) 24:02 sc/27"
    Shawna 23:17 25#/25" PR
    LP 16:58 step ups

    good stuff everyone, saw some good box jump heights (I don't think Regi even tried and she still got 37"...and Joy helped Shawna discover the gymnastic mat trick to not destroy shins). Also good job on the metcon, some awesome box jump finishes (Travis, Joy, Ryan S). Welcome to Melissa from NY dropping in; she'll be around later this week!
