
W.O.D. 4.11.14

"The BEAR Complex"

You have 5 rounds to find your max weight at:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
These exercises must be done in succession without putting the bar down for seven times through the sequence.
You may rest as needed between rounds.
Contact with the floor must be touch-and go during sequences.
Rest anywhere but the floor.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held at the Annex- 110 C DeKalb Street.

"Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong."
- Leo Buscaglia


  1. I don't care about what you don't like. I want to know what you do like. What's your passion? What really fires you up and gets you going? That's what I want to know about a person!

  2. 6am
    Jeff from WV- 95
    Brian H-105 (pc/pp/bsx2/pp)

    Justin R-145
    Peter W- 135
    Rebecca- 80
    Nick - 95

    Welcome to Jeff dropping in from WV! I could tell you had more, glad you went for it! Also glad some at 7am also took the suggestion to go up (Justin & Rebecca). Justin said "I hate you" after he finished the complex at 145. lol. Hey King- nice hickey (are two right feet, better than two left feet?).

    This BEAR is as much mental as it is strength. For most, If the Push Press isn't nearing failure...you can go heavier.

  3. Travis Form
    Fran 45
    Diane 103
    Jackie 73
    Rich 80
    Jill 58
    Barb 55
    Susan 65
    Kara 53
    Christ 53
    Dave 125
    Zelda 45
    Allison B. 58

    Nice showing for the 9:30 today, Thanks for Dave and Travis for coming in the morning!

  4. That bear ate me like I was a wild salmon heading upstream to spawn

  5. 12n

    Miranda 90
    Audrey 60
    Joe G 95
    Pam 83

    Nice work guys! Welcome to the nooner Joe!


  6. Oleg 85/Form

    Oleg is back! Great catching up with him. One of my first crossfit workouts was Bear Complex and Oleg was my partner. He helped me a lot when I was a new member. A little role reversal.

  7. 4:30

    Laura P 83
    Regi 65
    Roman 115
    Tim H 95
    Josh 105

    5:30 Mobility

    tim H

  8. Sue 45
    Marci 45
    Shawna 65
    Manisha 45
    Ryan A. 115
    Steph C. 65
    Jill 65

    Did we all just become best friends? I think so.
    Good job, this was a fun class.
    Suns out Buns Out, Suns out Guns Out.
