

21 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
21 Hand Stand Push-ups
1 Rope Climb
15 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
15 Hand Stand Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs
9 Hang Squat Cleans (105/155#)
9 Hand Stand Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs

"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe."
-Muhammad Ali


  1. 6:00am Pacesetters

    Becca 14:09 65 RP 2rounds
    Erika 18:37 75
    Ronnie 15:13 65 RP

    Becca- Way to work and keep the stress of the shoulders in the stink bugs
    Erika- Awesome job sticking with the 75, for the whole workout!!
    Ronnie-I told you you could handle that 65, rather than 55, nice job snapping those elbows through!

  2. Diane 14:22 #95/SB
    Lizzie 14:00 #35/SB
    John M. 15:09 #95/SB
    Nick Z. 13:50 #95/SB
    Lauren G. 10:56 #35/AM
    Stacy 13:01 #55/AM

  3. 12
    Gavin 17:10 75#
    Pam 17:34 75/ROM/Attempts

    Gavin- you really have got the hang of kipping the HSPU now!!! Yay!

    Pam- Awesome progress on the Rope Climb, seriously you will have it mastered soon. It's fun to get you to do stuff you don't think you can!! :-))

  4. 4:30
    LP 16:17 sb, 1/2 rope pulls
    Regi :-)
    Marci 17:41 35/sb/half climbs
    Roman 19:47 125#

    Carmen 18:40 35/sb
    Anne Br 17:18 35/sc/rp
    Josh 17:39 75/sb
    Manisha 35/sb/sc
    Shawna 17:30 45/sc/rp
    Ryan S 18:54 125/sb

    big night of notables: Marci got her first double under and had the best reaction; Roman was pushed to do more weight than he wanted to and succeeded; Carmen and Josh, both relatively new made rope climbs seem easy. And somehow Manisha got her FIRST rope climb at the END of this workout during the 3's. What?!

  5. 6:30

    Eddy A. 12:00 75/30/RP
    Conn 13:04 115/ROM/RC
    Jeff 12:00 135/SB/RP
    Matt 13:15 135/SB/RP


    Anne 14:11 55/SB/Rp
    Steph 13:00 55/SB/RC
    Jared 11:42 Form/SB/RP
    Jess Ssss 12:07 53/SB/RP
