

Against a 5 Min Clock Complete:
100 Pull Ups

Against a 5 Min Clock Complete:
80 Wall Balls 20/14# to 9/10′

Against a 5 Min Clock Complete:
250 Double Unders

Against a 5 Min Clock Complete:
40 Clean and Jerks 135/95#

Against a 5 Min Clock Complete:
1200 Meter Row

If you don’t finish the desired work in 5 min…cut your losses and move on to the next thing. If you finish before 5 Min, you can rest. No rest between efforts. Record total number or reps completed in each segment. For example (75, 80, 200, 38, 1200M)

Community Notes:
The next Level 1 Seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia will be held on May 10th and 11th. Click here to register today. 

"Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game."
- Donald Trump


  1. Amazing programming. Do NOT game this. Don't be afraid to fail !!!

  2. 6am
    Ronnie 85bnd, 60, 450, 27(45#), 962m
    Zelda 54rr, 67, 200su, 11(25#), 899m
    Kristin T 55, 80, 205, 23(75#), 1116m
    Wax 40, 65, 120, 20, 1101m Rx
    Tobin 100 80 203, 26, 1200 Rx

    Took about 12 seconds to transition to next movement.

  3. Pam 27, 80, 80, 28, 969 (75#)
    Audrey 60, 61, 2, 18, 875( band, 8# (53#))
    Dianne 38,53,15,15,954 (green, 10#, 53#)

    great effort and wod all around Nooner Ladies!

  4. Rich 83, 50, 200, 12, 892 sc
    Bre 35, 70, 150, 20, 1025 rx
    Vlad 93, 80, 500, 31, 1191 sc
    Jonathan 84, 80, 150, 31, 963 sc
    Diane 82, 69, 176, 24, 789 sc
    Stacy 50, 70, 450, 23, 813 sc
    Christ 55, 50, 440, 13, 747 sc
    Barb 58, 80, 252, 26, 862 sc
    Fran 80, 80, 320, 32, 920 sc
    Nick 90, 75, 180, 18, 550 sc
    Kara 100, 80, 440, 21, 749 sc

  5. Joe G. 82, 63, 302, 28, 1103 sc
    Regi 87, 80, 500, 40, 837 sc
    Roman 80, 55, 140, 20, 1252 sc
    Rachel 54, 82, 258, 19, 985 sc
    Ryan B. 54, 80, 295, 28 #185, 1200
    LP 56, 80, 250, 20, 940
    Steph C. 100, 60, 485, 20, 920 sc.
    Fayth 90, 70, 450, 38, 916 sc
    Anne 82, 58, 386, 26, 858 sc
    Linda 100, 80, 398, 15, 834 sc
    Meghan 71, 35, 274, 15, 810 sc
    Seshu 65, 60, 350, 25, 1035 sc
    Syevain 55, 68, 335, 16, 942 sc
    Jake 44, 73, 250, 23, 1090 SC
    Stasie 68, 50, 234, 30, 800 sc

    Welcome to Meghan and Syevain on their first class, and Jake for dropping in.

  6. 5:30

    Tim H 54band, 60, 250su, 35 1010
    Shawna 44band, 52, 240su, 17 871
    Liza 44band, 52, 27, 24, 981
    Jason I 57, 70, 520su, 16, 1130
    Manny 51band, 53, 260, 16, 740
    Dave(San Diego) 100, 80, 175, 21, 1063
    John Mc 49band, 46, 26, 13 1100


    J-Kwon! 66, 75, 159, 20 1061
    Jeff B 51, 80, 168, 20, 1080
    Cline 100band, 60, 75, 20, 950
