
14.4 Team Recap

14.4 is in the books.  Many have been waiting for the Muscle Up to rear is ugly head and it finally did (but only after 60 cal row, 50 T2B, 40 Wallballs and 30 Cleans..).  Castro made a pretty blanket statement when he said this will add some more separation to the leaderboard and those without a Muscle Up should not be at regionals.  That said, CFKoP had a few athletes make it over to the rings and have success---Mike T. took top honors with an amazing 12 MU, followed by Faby and Plentus with 2 MU's each and Aimee took the top female spot with 1 MU.  We also had some first time Toes to Bar successes...Tracy, Jonathan and Diane to name a few!

There was a little banter on the Facebook page about the Yellow team taking top honors, but the Black team took the WIN this week with all their participants putting up scores in the 100's! The separation is now 10 points away with the Red team in second.  It can be anyones game but will the black team be able to keep their current lead? It depends what comes out of the hopper in 14.5.

What will it be? A ladder of Burpees and Thrusters (with increasing weight?). Well, if you are like me, I have been expecting burpees since week one.  Will we make it through an open without them? Will Push-ups make a come back? How about Handstand Push-ups? I anticipate another long one...20 minutes.  Lots of unknown and unknowables..but the fittest of the fit will throw down on Thursday night at 8:00PM when we find out what 14.5 has in store for us.  See you all on Saturday at 9:00AM for the final week.  Stink and drink to follow the final WOD.

Red Aimee 181 Tim P 172 Travis 180 Jen S 170 Ryan B 180 Shawna 73 Steve Z 60 Jonathan 140 Balmer180  SUM- 1336 AVERAGE - 148.4 (Total = 501.7)

Green Jason 160 KT 180 Pete W 0 Kwon 174 Wax 170 Mike S 102 Tracey 64 Gina 76 Jen Fugo 0 Sue K 63 SUM  989 AVERAGE -98.9 (Total = 417.8)

Yellow Tobin 192 Alona 139 Flounder 144 Pam 151 McCan 176 Tre 165 Diane 69 Regi 60 Faby 182 SUM 1278 AVERAGE- 142.0 (Total = 474.8)

Black Keith 173 Dave N 153 Ditty 137 Jess C 176 Patrick 180 Olan 154 Laura 156 Miranda H 151 SUM 1280 AVERAGE- 160.0 (Total = 511.6)

Blue King 180 Justin R 173 John 66  Andrea 180 Chip 145 Plentus 182 Westwood 0 Rachel W 98 SUM 1024 AVERAGE- 128.0 (Total = 485.0)


  1. Blue team! We still have room for a come back, let's do this!

  2. Blue team would be on top if Westwood had contributed. C'mon. We need full participation in this last week!
