

4 Rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
9 Front Squats (135/95#)
6 Push Jerks (135/95#)
3 Toes to Bar

Community Notes:
14.4 announced tonight at 8:00PM... any thoughts on what might come out?

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche


  1. Holla to the 6am'ers. It was fun to be back teaching in the mornings. I will not be here next Wednesday but I will be here again next Thursday.

    Kim G: 13:50 (65/45/rom)
    Erika: 10:54 (65)
    Megs: 11:29 (rx)
    Carmen: 11:30 (55)
    King: 12:17 (rx)
    Tobin: 10:14 (rx)
    Ellie: 14:58 (85)

    Kim: The best squats I have ever seen you perform, way to continually improve!
    Erika: Don't be afraid of depth, you have the form and flexibility to get there, show your mind what your body can do.
    Megs: Continual motion with a heavy weight, nice.
    Carmen: First burpees today, your life will never be the same.
    King: Way to conquer the 135, adjusted your technique when the weight got heavy. Nice
    Tobin: Once again the Viking setting the time to beat.
    Ellie: Push yourself under the bar when it gets heavy, never purposefully press it out.

  2. 7am
    Melissa P 10:29 (45)
    Alona 11:28 (65)

  3. 9:30 AM
    Jackie 11:51 65#/RR
    Susan 14:04 80#
    Jonathan 11:32 95#/t2battempts
    Dianne 15:26 45#
    Lizzie 12:34 45#

    Monday test WOD crew:
    Kyle 8:33 Rx
    Aimee 8:34 Rx
    Cate 9:06 Rx

    Bre 15:26 Rx
    Stacy 15:22 65#/t2battempts
    Audrey 16:05 53#/t2battempts
    Pam 15:34 Rx

    Dianne-Lizzie-Pam and Bre--really great Toes to Bar and progress on that movement!

    Susan - great job on the 80# nice to push the limit a little and engage those mechanics. Mechanics always win over muscle.

    Jackie - weight in the heels correction is often hard with baby on board and you were top notch! Well done!

    Jonathan--always working on form and only a "hair" away from the toes to bar!

    Audrey and Stacy perseverance and tenacity were key! Well done.

  4. Anyone find a brass bracelet this evening?? I think mine fell out of my purse as I was leaving. :/

    Please return it if you happen to see it. Thank you!

  5. I'll look in the morning Shawna...

  6. 530 cool guys class
    Jason Irey 12:47 (95)
    Steph C 11:14 (55)
    Josh P 15:09(85)
    Patrick 9:55 (95)
    Eddie 17:54 ---
    Flounder 12:41 --
    Shawna 14:03 (55x2,33x2)
    Kelly 15:30 (65)
    Dave N 12:02 (115)
    Laura P 11:55 Rx (belly alllmost touches :)
    Ryan B 7:52 Rx (crushed)

  7. 4:30

    Manny 14:03 45
    JZ 11:03 75
    Luke : )
    Ryan S 12:09 115
    Liza 10:05 45
    Joe C 12:33 115

    Nice work last night! Manny, great job committing to getting depth on the squat!
