
CrossFit Endurance

Spring has arrived and CrossFit Endurance Classes are back in season with Running Coach T.Pappas!

Classes will begin on Thursday, April 3rd from 5:30-6:30PM at the Upper Merion Track and continue for consecutive Thursdays until late fall.  The address of the Track is: 435 Crossfield Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

The goal of this class is to make you a faster, more efficient runner with less training volume. Bring a water bottle and wear/bring warm clothing in layers, as we’ll be meeting at the Upper Merion HS track, and sometimes in Valley Forge Park for some trail runs.

All abilities are welcome and the workouts will be focused on building lung capacity thru interval work as well as a few modified CrossFit WODS.

Not sure if this is for you?
CFE is for anyone that wants to improve their endurance performance. If you are training for a running event from a mile to marathons this program will overhaul your training and take your performance to the next level. If you are a biker, triathlete, or adventure racer, using CrossFit Endurance programming will do wonders for your overall fitness in preparation for your event.

If you are a CrossFitter like (TP) that likes to swim bike and run (or better yet hates to run (like coach Paul)... you need this the most), CFE merges all that you love about CrossFit with a focus on endurance capacity.  Use this to target running and enhance your overall General Physical Preparedness program.

This class is Coached by Tim P, CFE certified, USA Track and Field level 1 coach, and Triathlon Guru.

These classes will count as one of your 2x, 3x a week or unlimited classes at CFKoP.  Punch cards are available for non-members of CrossFit KoP.

This is not a FREE class.


  1. 530 cool guys class
    Jason Irey 12:47 (95)
    Steph C 11:14 (55)
    Josh P 15:09(85)
    Patrick 9:55 (95)
    Eddie 17:54 ---
    Flounder 12:41 --
    Shawna 14:03 (55x2,33x2)
    Kelly 15:30 (65)
    Dave N 12:02 (115)
    Laura P 11:55 Rx (belly alllmost touches :)
    Ryan B 7:52 Rx (crushed)

  2. Awesome energy at the end of the 5:30 class tonight. You guys are the community! #amazing
