
14.3 Team Recap

14.3 is behind us and it seems that there was a lot of hoopla about nothing.  Granted the workout was hard and demanding but with proper attention to technique, I have not heard of anyone hurting themselves...which is a great thing.  HQ really brought it to us this week...not only did we see the heaviest weight on a barbell in the history of the Open but when you got to it, you were expected to do MORE reps.  Scary.  Castro said it best that this one is a test of CrossFit strength.  You can demonstrate your strength but you need to be fit in order to do so.  Great innovative programming if you ask me.

Team Yellow decided that this was the week to make their move.  Absolutely destroying the competition, Yellow made up significant ground in week 3 showing that this is yet anyone's game.  The lead that Red has is also continually shrinking with only 0.2 separating them with Black.  Who will come out on top is anyone's guess.  Team Red had two members score for the team yet again, along with Yellow and Blue.  Black and Green failed to have anyone score for the team.

With only two weeks remaining, we are running out of exercises to come out of the hopper.  Will this week bring T2B, KTE, MU, C&J.  My personal opinion is that it is going to be 5 minutes of rowing with max calories.  You will say that not everyone has a rower and my response will be who cares.  If not that, I am predicting a 15 minute time cap where you need to complete 3 Rds of 25 wall balls, 25 T2B, and 25 C&J at 155/105....if you have any remaining time, you complete AMMUAP...as many muscle-ups as possible.  We will see. 

Red Aimee 139 Tim P 103 Travis 105 Jen S 123 Ryan B 140 Shawna 60 Steve Z 90 Jonathan 92 SUM- 852 AVERAGE - 106.5 (Total = 351.8)

Green Jason 110 KT 130 Pete W 113 Kwon 97 Wax 94 Mike S 62 Tracey 93 Gina 96 Jen Fugo 61 Sue K 55 SUM  911 AVERAGE -91.1 (Total = 318.9)

Yellow Tobin 135 Alona 125 Flounder 99 Pam 107 McCan 123 Tre 98 Diane 133 Regi 92 Faby 130 SUM 1042 AVERAGE- 115.8 (Total = 332.8)

Black Keith 128 Dave N 98 Ditty 92 Jess C 113 Patrick 115 Olan 102 Laura 111 Miranda H 106 SUM 865 AVERAGE- 108.1 (Total = 351.6)

Blue King 92 Justin R 103 John 93 Kelly 0 Andrea 135 Chip 116 Plentus 130 Westwood 99 Rachel W 97 SUM 865 AVERAGE- 96.1 (Total = 334.7)


  1. what are the cumulative standings?

  2. Can I be kicked off the blue team? I've been away on a biz trip and missed the last 2 workouts. They don't deserve 2 weeks worth of 0's.


  3. Way to go Yellow team! Let's keep the momentum going!

  4. P-the total is the sum of all three weeks of averages. Let me know what number you want and I'll pull it.

  5. Nice work team! Lets keep it moving!!

  6. Nice work team! Lets keep it moving!!

  7. 6:30

    Brett #135 FORM
    Faby #300 PR!


    Steph C #100 #25 PR!
    Seshu #125
    Mike S #145 PR
    Brittany #95-#90@75% PR!
    Sue #45 PR!
    Fayth #110 #30 PR!
    Anne 100 #25 PR!
    Keith B #255 #205 C&J

    I am very impressed with our athletes this evening! On both all the huge PR'S i saw and the dedication and intuition to drop weight and fine-tune form. Excellent work guys1

    Also want to welcome back Seshu!!
