

Bar-Bulls or Red-Bulls? You decide...

A taste of the OPEN...have you signed up?

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Cash out:
Skill practice...MUSCLE UP!

“Nothing is better for self-esteem than survival.”
 ― Martha Gellhorn,


  1. 6 am:

    Tobin 80 rx
    Balmer 68 rx
    Luke 39 135# rom
    King 63 rx
    Peter 68 rx

    Boys club this am! Be safe driving, the port was not plowed at 530am!

    ROM= range of motion on the t2b

  2. 6 am:

    Tobin 80 rx
    Balmer 68 rx
    Luke 39 135# rom
    King 63 rx
    Peter 68 rx

    Boys club this am! Be safe driving, the port was not plowed at 530am!

    ROM= range of motion on the t2b

  3. Diane 70 #75/Flr
    Jen F. 86 #60/Flr
    Nicole 95 #55/Flr
    Kara 66 #53/Flr
    Christ 63 #53/Flr
    Rich 70 #65/Flr
    Jackie 62 #75 Flr

  4. 12n
    Klutch 55 Rx
    Audrey 43 45#/flr
    Pam 49 75#
    Gavin 61 75#
    Joe C 60 115#

  5. Where's Carl? What, did your dog not do that well in the open?

  6. Be careful Mike, people are extremely sensitive to mindless playful humor. It upsets them and that is the last thing I want. My dog is 7, does that qualify him for Masters in the open?

  7. Listen Carl, fitness is not funny. It's to be taken extremely serious. Your dog must be elite enough to understand that. Am I wrong?

    BTW, what his favorite CF movement? How is he at bear crawl? Surely he has butterfly pull-ups?

  8. Shannon 65 #60
    Jeff 48 RX
    Chris 48 #75
    Steph 60 #55
    Rachel 51 #75
    Linda 47 #55
    Brittany 58 #55

  9. 5:30

    Derreck 91Rx
    Miranda 55 T2R


    Chio 58@53
    Melissa 48@35
    Alona 43@85
    Ellie 39 Rx
