

4:30 Aftermath
With a 15 minute time limit, complete the following nine movements with as heavy a load as possible.

1. Deadlift
2. Clean and Jerk
3. Snatch
4. Back Squat
5. Push Jerk
6. Front Squat
7. Press
8. Thruster
9. Overhead Squat
Score is total completed
Coaching Tips:
Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. You will have one bar and one rack in which to use to perform these movements. The only exception will be determined by the size of the class, in which case, a rack may be shared. There will have to be a strategy applied to what loads to attempt for each lifts, as well as how to place plates on the bar, as you will have to change out the plates yourself. You can have multiple attempts at each lift, but you need to be aware of the time limit at all times. So, choose your loads carefully and with much thought. Most of the hour will be spent warming up for this workout. The deadlift, back squat, snatch, front squat and overhead squat will probably require the most amount of time warming up.

Compare to 9.13.12 and 8.31.11

"Words without actions are the assassins of idealism."
-Herbert Hoover


  1. My Dog needed a big scale for this one. Definitely out for the dog wod massacre. Not having hands is a major drawback. Mactavish's score:180. Other dogs: bring it!

  2. 7am results:
    Peter 1715
    Gina 965
    Roni 955 pr'd her dead @ 215#!!!!

    Great job by all this am!!

  3. 6am
    KT 1265
    Wax 1855
    Balmer 1555
    Brian H. 1505
    Erica 985
    Steve Z. 695
    Luke 1575

  4. Susan 965
    Jill H. 715
    Pam 1,105
    Jonathan 1,410
    Joy 965

  5. Big shout out and congrats to Steve Z., KT, and Wax who all increased their lbs. from last time they attempted this wod. Way to go guys!!

  6. Mike - thanks for your help today!

  7. 3:30
    King 1485
    Fran 525
    Marci 415
    Audrey 625
    Liza 700
    Lauren 645

    kudos to these athletes...especially Marci and Audrey who are super NEW to CrossFit...this is a tough WOD when you have NO clue where your numbers are at...

    WW 1415
    Tim H 1515
    Justin R 1845
    Taryn 995
    Regi 1055

  8. 5:30 mobility

    John M
    Justin R
    Tim H

  9. 5:30

    Eddy form
    Peterson 1625
    Tracy 965
    Kelly G 980
    Klutch 1825


    Stasie 575
    Conn 1310
    Borden 1795
