

Kit -  Pilot and Captain US Marine Corps

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
Row 500 Meters
21 Burpees

Community Notes:
Ogar WOD will be run in all classes tomorrow Saturday the 25th.

As many of you may have heard, Kevin Ogar a coach at Crossfit Unbroken and a very well established athlete, was seriously injured at the OC Throwdown.. As of right now he has no movement below the waist, and will have a long road of recovery ahead of him. A site has been set up to help with donations to Kevin and his family to offset medical bills as he is without insurance. If you wish to make a donation please use the link above or provide a small cash donation on Saturday, and lets help out a fellow CrossFitter get through a very tough time.

"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." –Joshua J. Marine


  1. You are being utterly ridiculous about this heffer

  2. ^you did mean udderly, right?

  3. 1) I'm almost positive I ate a whole cow for dinner!
    2) A Brazilian steakhouse is only good once/twice a year.

    Working on the details for K9 crossfit. All wods will have different challenges for breeds of all sizes. Look for box jumps, sled pulls, rope holding, boulder jumping, hide and seek, and more. We will work the mind and body!

  4. Sounds like a good workout! Is the parking lot is safe to run on? Any packed snow or potential for ice.

  5. The parking lot was covered in ice, that coupled with the temperature- the morning classes subbed either 2minutes of DU or SU, Airdyne or indoor laps. Through some trial and error (kim g running more than 400m/and smarter people doing the math for me) we determined that *8 indoor laps was a pretty good estimation of 400m.

    KT 18:05 Du
    Wax 18:40 Su
    Becca 21:26 Airdyne
    Kathleen 19:06 SU/KBS
    Roni 18:40 DU
    Erika 19:31 Airdyne
    Kim 23:16 Rx*+ (10laps)

    Jonathan 20:47 Rx*
    Pete 16:55 Rx*
    Alona 21:26 Rx*
    Nick 18:25 DU

  6. Rich 25:31 row
    Ronnie 26:28 RX*
    Christ 26:37 RX*
    Kara 26:35 RX*
    Al V. 18:00 row
    Barb 24:32 Airdyne
    Jackie 20:14 row

  7. Great and well thought-out programming! Forget rhabdo! Bring on the broken ankles!

  8. Hey Anonymous @ 10:57 AM

    You can see from the results already posted that no one was forced to run outside. Just like every other day at CFKOP, as well as the rest of the CrossFit gyms on the planet, the workout of the day is prescribed and members scale or substitute movements to their level and ability. At CrossFit King of Prussia we allow our members the freedom to actually think for themselves and the choice of performing the prescribed workout as they see fit. As you can see from the results posted earlier our members demonstrated their ability to do exactly that. And to no one's surprise, no broken ankles!!!

    I would suggest that you exercise your ability to think more often because your comments is obviously not "great or well thought out".

  9. Keith, you are talking to a customer. show some respect and save the sarcasm. You are an employee at a business that should value their clients and we dont need your sarcastic talking down to. Who do you think you are?

  10. Huhuhuh...he said would....

  11. Get yo popcorn ready!!

  12. 1) The WOD says 400m. In addition to the comments by Keith, that can be done in a variety of ways. Normal route, bridge route, 8 laps as Steph mentioned, 24 lengths of the gym, etc. Safety is obviously our primary concern so scale accordingly.

    2) Kit is the son of Steve Z, one of the most dedicated and longest standing members of the gym. Kit is also a former athlete at CF KoP and a member of our 2010 Games team.

    3) I am continually amazed at what some people will say behind a mask. If you don't want to get an account fine, but have the decency to sign your name when you criticize the work that someone does. If you are a member and have a concern, Aimee and I are extremely interested in your opinion. If you are just looking to stir the pot, please respect our members and coaches and do it elsewhere.

  13. K9 wods, bring them on!

  14. 12n
    Olan 20:34 Rx
    Pam 19:25 Rx*

  15. That picture of Kit is bad ass.

  16. I feel compelled to chime in here, I’ve been a member for 4 years and I’ve found the comments section of the blog to be a great place to share ideas and pass knowledge to other members of the gym and I enjoy a lot to the witty banter that takes place all in good fun. I don’t want to lose that privilege, as a member I respectfully ask that we all think twice about what we post, if the post could be construed as criticizing someone else be they an owner, coach or member then please address the matter one on one rather than in this more public forum. Thank you :-)

  17. 5:30

    John M
    Justin H

    We did some new things that I learned last night from Dr. Kevin! I particular like the double calf partner smash!

  18. Ryan S. 25:31 RX
    Fugo 22:54 GU
    Manisha 24:02 RX
    Jess S. 26:37 RX
    Shawna 25:12 RX
    Steph C. 23:21 RX
    Jill C. 20:01
    Joe G. 20:15 SC
    Lauren G. 22:16 RX
    Joy 20:59 SU
    Jen S. 23:06 RX

    Lots of first time RX's tonight, Good Job everyone.

  19. 4:30
    Joe c 18:14 2mDU
    Justin 17:46 2mDU
