

14 Minute AMRAP:

135/95 pound Snatch, 3 Reps
1 Muscle Up
12 WallBalls (14/20# to 9/10ft target)

 It's time to get OGAR Strong.

OGAR Strong is the collaborative effort of a powerful community of people linking arms to support one of our own, Kevin Ogar. It's true that there's a strength in numbers and together we can rally to embrace Kevin and his family as they embark on this challenging life-changing journey. 

Kevin's Story

As coach at CrossFit Unbroken in Englewood, CO and an accomplished elite level athlete himself, Kevin Ogar's focus each and every day is to help make people better. His kind-hearted personality and genuine care for an athlete's well being is what makes Kevin shine and those around him are drawn to his warmth and caring attitude.

As an athlete Kevin is no stranger to pushing himself to his greatest abilities. He is so comfortable in the uncomfortable and his ability to handle pain is far beyond that of a normal human being. A Superman in his own right. Kevin excelled in CrossFit the most, being one of the best in the sport. This is his legacy. CrossFit is a part of him and will stay that way forever. He will continue to affect people positively through CrossFit and through his triumph over this tragic event.

What happened to Kevin Ogar?

On January 12th, 2014 Kevin Ogar’s life changed forever. He suffered a traumatic injury to his spinal cord as a result of a “freak accident” while competing at an event in Orange County, California. At this time, Kevin has no movement below the waist and will be faced with numerous surgeries and a long road ahead for rehabilitation.

Want to help?
Click here to donate.

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
–Leonardo da Vinci


  1. Aimee 7 (2RX)
    Ryan 10 MUT
    Tobin 9+5 RX
    Keith 8 RX
    KT 8+1 (MUT)
    LP 8+3 SC
    Kate 9+4 RX
    Mike F 7
    Rachel 7 SC
    Rachel 7 SC
    Meighan 7
    Jackie 7 +3 SC
    Jason 5+2 JMU
    Erika 7+11 65
    Travis 7+2 105 JMU
    Alona 7+2 70 JMU
    King 8+2 115 JMU
    Derreck 6+14 JMU

  2. ideas for the K9 crossfit???... least # of times throwing a ball to your dog while competing 100 squats

  3. I am allergic to dogs.

  4. Anon. 12:10 that wod sounds horrible. Lets make it a benchmark and name it Sparky.

    1) 23 degrees is no longer cold to me
    2) another beautiful snowy day
    3) I tried Persian food last night, it was good!
    4) they should eliminate the pro bowl, it's getting ridiculous
    5) I am sick of the lack of moves the phillies are making and the moves that they are making?!?!?! It's going to be a long off season
    6) Ruin tomorrow jr

  5. Dog push-ups and burpees. Chase the tail
