

For time:
9 Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
2000 Meter Row
15 Clean and Jerks
1000 Meter Row
21 Clean and Jerks
500 Meter Row

Community Notes:
We will run the Ogar WOD on Saturday 1/25 at 9/10AM, open to all members and non-members. Donations are voluntary. Click here to read more. Kevin Ogar is a member of the CrossFit community who was severely injured in a freak accident at a competition. We as a community have the ability to embrace and support one of our own and help his recovery.  See you on Saturday!

"If the wind will not serve, take to the oars."
–Latin Proverb


  1. Someone left a Large Barbell hoodie at the box. It is hanging on the racks.

  2. Snow, snow, snow. It is supposedly going to accumulate at one inch per hour for up to 12 hours today. Yikes.

    What is the best book you have ever read and what is something that very few people know about you?

    1) Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
    2) I used to be petrified of public speaking so I memorized pages upon pages of text and just recited them.

  3. Let is snow! I finally have a car that won't slide everywhere when there's precipitation on the ground!!!

    1) The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I say this not because I have never read "Grown up" books but because I think it's very thought provoking. If you're familiar with it, which storyline do you see? The selfless tree who gives all that it has to the little boy? Or the selfish boy who never seems to learn how to provide for himself because the tree continuously gives him all of his wants?

    2) Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey Jr. is my 2nd cousin.

  4. Jackie 26:48 #70
    Ronnie 28:46 #65
    Fran 25:41 #35
    Barb 24:45 SC
    Christ Snow Dismissal
    Kara 27:34 #55
    Jonathan Snow Dismissal
    Pam 24:20 #75
    Rich 26:42 #75

  5. Structured Strength classes are Monday at 6:30pm, Tuesdays at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7am

    This week in Structured Strength...

    1) Split Jerk (pause in the dip) + Split Jerk- 7 sets
    2) Deadlift- Warm up to heavy weight (80-90%) then in ten minutes complete at least 25 good looking reps (rest in between sets of your choosing).
    3) Bench Press- heavy 5x5
    4) Accessory Work:
    3x10 ring row
    Tabata Plank Hold

  6. almost 12n
    Travis 24:50 155/125

  7. 6am sandbaggers

    Roni 26:39 85#
    Kim G 24:27 65#
    Peter 23:46 135#
    Miranda 23:38 dips/goblet
    Justin R 26:13 135#
    James N (ICA) 27:33 (press out)
    Kathleen 26:36 55#
    Erika 26:16 85#
    Kristin T 25:44 Rx
    Klutch 27:40 Rx

  8. 1) You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense
    2) I Read

  9. Normal commute home from the gym 25min today 1:55

  10. 1) Maniac Magee
    2) I'm adopted (Plentus is Lithuanian)

  11. Plentus, Maniac Magee was a great book!

    1) George Orwell's 1984
    2) My first day of school in America (3rd grade), I got lost walking home. I didn't know how to speak English.

  12. 1) The Da Vinci Code
    2) I love pinball machines

  13. That's so sad gene. Last "polar vortex" it took me 2:45 to get home from KOP. Fucking Miata's.

  14. 1. Proof of Heaven - a neurosurgeon falls into a coma and describes his journey into the afterlife as his body fails. Not as morbid as it sounds. I thought it was a good read.

    2. Favorite late night host: Jimmy Fallon. Favorite late night character: SNL's Stephan. Yesyesyesyesyes....


  15. 1. Proof of Heaven - a neurosurgeon falls into a coma and describes his journey into the afterlife as his body fails. Not as morbid as it sounds. I thought it was a good read.

    2. Favorite late night host: Jimmy Fallon. Favorite late night character: SNL's Stephan. Yesyesyesyesyes....

